Race Class Vs Incarceration In Prison Essay

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In American society, race, class, and incarceration play a huge role in privatized corporations and in the lives of Americans. Our country has a tendency of using a person’s appearance and class to its own advantage. The U.S claims to incarcerate the vast amounts of inmates it does in order to protect its citizens but there is more that happens inside the doors of prisons. In this essay, I will argue that the United States profiteers within the prisons, selfishly uses the prison industrial complex to their advantage, and lastly, how race and class effect prisons. The prison industrial complex consists of huge corporations making money off of prison inmates. Private corporations use prisons as an alternative way to have their products manufactured, for much cheaper and without having to worry about extra expenses. “Companies don’t have to worry about unionized workers, health care, or wages, due to inmates doing their tasks for only a fraction of the wage, according to Angela Davis in “ Masked Racism” as stated by Eve Goldberg and Linda Evans”(1998). In other words the wealthy make their money by exploiting the minorities. The U.S law enforcement tends to mainly target the minority …show more content…

In a Victor Rios interview with Dalton Conley (2010), Rios mentions “young people are marked at a very young age by the system”. The system not only attacks lower income adults, but also unfairly affects the lives of young children. Children see what law enforcement does around their community and they grow up thinking that, that is the norm. Therefore they get sucked into the criminal life. Being in that lifestyle they experience all sorts of hardships, which lead to a life in and out of prison. That is something that the government uses to his or her advantage because it will always have someone to blame for everything that is socially wrong in our

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