The era of mass incarceration began four decades ago, marking the greatest count of prisoners held in U.S. jails and prisons. When speaking of mass incarceration, more than acknowledging the numbers, the significance lies within the statistics of who the cities, states, and government are imprisoning. Out of the whopping two million people who are confined, more than 70 percent of prisoners are people of color, consistently of a poor and underprivileged background (Davis 1998: 684). Sociologists as well as psychologists’ studies bear and explain this phenomenon. The idea of social control and its relation to crime seemingly differ in groups and communities. Street crime, for instance, although is a form of formal social deviance, does not highlight …show more content…
the underlying cause and effect of the people committing them. Disguised as an act of purging the society of the homeless, unemployed, and drug addicts, it can no longer be held inconspicuous to the public that this “magic” of ridding society of marginalized groups is doing more harm than good (Davis 1998: 683). While the criminal justice system is detrimental to people of color, on the opposite spectrum are the ones perpetuating the new form of Jim Crow, creating a vicious cycle of going in and out of jails, and for the short span of time a colored man is out, they are rejected from integrating back into the society that shuts them out. Social control, a term construed by Émile Durkheim’s idea of deviance, explains what sociologist define as the act of one abiding a set of rules that are socially constructed (Conley 196). When society begins to create a list of what is considered socially right or wrong, people are bound to conform to them, willingly or subconsciously. When President Nixon declared the War on Drugs, a campaign to crack down on drug abuse, almost naturally did the public accepted the challenge to minimize what they thought was mental illness caused by drugs. What was suppose to be a political strategy to gain the support of Southern, lower-class white Republicans, soon flourished catastrophically when Reagan proposed the three-strikes law that states if a person has been convicted twice, by the third conviction life-sentence was absolute (Alexander 2013). It is a fact that these laws were explicitly stated, but the idea behind it is ultimately used to inflict this assumption that drugs are the enemy, and when police began their hunt, black men topped their list. When the public, through media that greatly emphasized the convicted being young, black males, are exposed to such biased content there is no control in that society will subconsciously associate drug offenders with black people. By the end of Reagan’s presidency, the total number of drug offenders in prison rose by 19,548 prisoners, and by 2011, total offenders counted 197,050, two-thirds of which were of drugs(Carson & Sabol 2012). At a different angle to inspect what groups are specifically being targeted in the mass incarceration, the environment of communities of colored people shines a light on the racism and classism in the American criminal justice system.
Psychologists would concur that the environment in which a person inhabits greatly impacts said person’s life-- their opportunities and their behaviors would be two of many facets that directly and/or indirectly gets affected. In an interview with professor Victor Rios of University of California, Santa Barbara, Rios explains the term he had coined “youth control complex,” which essentially defines a system where young boys from certain communities are habitually brutalized by police and parole officers (NortonSOC 2010). Rios goes on to share his experiences with a seeming commonality event that takes place in a community such as his where boys were being harassed by officers. “The collateral consequences of this harsh policing in the inner city are...young people being marked at a very early age by the system,” Rios states. The damage of being “picked up young,” is the shadow that follows these young, black men to job interviews and to voting booths. When comparing communities with different types of environment, psychologists has proven “how social context and social cues impact the way individuals act,” a theory called the broken windows theory of deviance (Conley 213). The experiment was conducted by Stanford University psychology professor, Philip Zimbardo, where he and his students placed two abandoned looking car into two different social class area to see the reaction of each neighborhood. This experiment was able to prove that by a physical deviance in just the environment alone triggers the people to act a certain way: the ghetto to wreck the car instantaneously and the pristine to avoid overall. But the most significant finding is the different response by the pristine after Zimbardo returned to display a smashed car. In
other words, the appearance and the aura of communities matters a great deal when understanding the people who resides in them. The reason for some neighborhoods to look dilapidated while others immaculate is evidently a hidden form of racism of the U.S. economy. Davis writes, “Since 1984 more than twenty new prisons have opened in California, while only one new campus university was added into the California State University system.” If the staggering comparison of facilities that the government evidently prioritize says anything, it would be that communities of the marginalized are being replaced by penitentiaries.
Alexander (2010) suggests mass incarceration as a system of racialized social control that functions in the same way Jim Crow did. She describes how people that have been incarcer...
Anderson’s theory examined African Americans living in America’s inner cities that are driven to follow the “street code” and work to maintain respect, loyalty, and their own self-image. The “street code” Anderson is referring to is “a cultural adaptation” which is the cause of violent crime in America’s inner cities (Anderson Article PDF, 3). Since these people are living in mainly impoverished neighborhoods with easy access to drugs and guns, as well as high rates of crime and violence, “everyone feels isolated and alienated from the rest of America” (Vold, 187). Anderson continues to distinguish between “decent” people and “street people.” Those who are “decent” families live in accordance with a “civil code” that upholds values in comparison with the rest of society such as maintaining a job, obtaining an education, protecting their children and following the law. Additionally, “street” families tend to fend for themselves, and when young, grow up without adult supervision and are often abused. This alone causes a dangerous environment because children then, “learn that to solve any kind of interpersonal problem one must quickly resort to hitting or other violent behavior” (Anderson Article PDF, 5). When brought up in an inner city “street” family, racism is a leading factor that causes the youth to construct a negative outlook on the rest of society. When these inner city, lo...
Mass Incarceration: The New Jim Crow is the direct consequence of the War on Drugs. That aims to reduce, prevent and eradicate drug use in America through punitive means. The effect of the war on drug policies returned de jure discrimination, denied African Americans justice and undermined the rule of law by altering the criminal justice system in ways that deprive African Americans civil rights and citizenship. In the “New Jim Crow” Alexandra argues that the effects of the drug war policies are not unattended consequences but coordinated by designed to deny African Americans opportunity to gain wealth, be excluded from gaining employment and exercise civil rights through mass incarceration and felony conviction. The war on drugs not only changes the structure of the criminal justice system, it also changes the ways that police officers, prosecutors and judges do their jobs.
Throughout the semester, we have discussed many different issues that are currently prevalent in the United States, specifically those related to racial discrimination. One specific issue that I have developed interest and research in is that of institutionalized racism, specifically in the form of mass incarceration, and what kinds of effects mass incarceration has on a community. In this paper, I will briefly examine a range of issues surrounding the mass incarceration of black and Latino males, the development of a racial undercaste because of rising incarceration rates, women and children’s involvement and roles they attain in the era of mass incarceration, and the economic importance that the prison system has due to its development.
The current criminal justice system is expensive to maintain. In North America the cost to house one prisoner is upwards of eighty to two hundred dollars a day (Morris, 2000). The bulk of this is devoted to paying guards and security (Morris, 2000). In contrast with this, community oriented programming as halfway houses cost less than the prison alternative. Community programming costs five to twenty five dollars a day, and halfway houses although more expensive than community programs still remain cheaper than prison (Morris, 2000). Tabibi (2015c) states that approximately ninety percent of those housed in prison are non-violent offenders. The treatment of offenders in the current system is understood to be unjust. By this, Morris (2000) explains that we consistently see an overrepresentation of indigenous and black people in the penal system. Corporate crimes are largely omitted, while street crimes are emphasized (Morris, 2000). This disproportionately targets marginalized populations (homeless, drug addicted and the poor) (Tabibi, 2015c). The current system is immoral in that the caging of people is highly depersonalized and troubling (Tabibi, 2015c). This is considered to be a barbaric practice of the past, however it is still frequently used in North America (Morris, 2000). Another moral consideration is with the labelling of youth as offenders in the criminal justice system (Morris, 2000). Morris (2000) argues that we should see youth crimes as a social failure, not as an individual level failure. Next, Morris (2000) classifies prisons as a failure. Recidivism rates are consistently higher for prisons than for other alternatives (Morris, 2000). The reason for this is that prisons breed crime. A school for crime is created when a person is removed from society and labeled; they become isolated, angry
Mass incarceration did not occur in light of significant increments in wrongdoing but instead given a system of strategic decisions that the country has made. A similar straightforward answer will address the system question of how to stand up to the adverse effect of mass imprisonment on communities of shading (Mauer). Making this stride decreasing mass incarceration will efficiently affect these communities since they have disproportionally experienced the increments in captivity. Furthermore, for any individual who may stress, there is no proof to propose that a move far from the abnormal state of incarceration, which portrays the United States more than some other country on the planet, will bring about a considerable increment in wrongdoing. Another essential approach to address the issues for communities of shading is to lessen the own racial and financial isolation that keeps on causing problems for social life in the United States. In fact, going for this objective will put more noteworthy difficulties on policymakers and people in general alike. At last, an ideal approach to lessen the security outcomes and the impacts of increased cases of imprisonment and their resulting pessimistic has implications for people of shade is to decrease the rate of individuals being jailed and to make an all the more equitable
Young, white, upper-class males who engage in crime are significantly less likely to serve jail time or even be arrested, than their black male counterpart. That being said, lower class white males are more likely to be arrested than their upper-class white counterpart. Is money truly the root of all evil? NO, it’s not. It is however what drives both sides of the criminal justice system. Of course, those with a higher SES or less likely to be arrested in general but there is more to it. In class, we discussed the issues of privatized jail and the revenue they make only when filled to capacity. The “If you build it, they will come!” mentality is fully functioning in the prison part of the criminal justice system. Many police forces are set up with numbers in mind, and in order to be successful a certain amount of arrest must be made. The War on Drugs spurred this ideology as the higher amount of arrest led citizens to think that crime was being lowered. Additionally, those with high-class status can afford to be represented properly in the criminal justice system and do not have to fear the extra fines placed on prisoners or even those just convicted of crimes. VICE – Fixing The System showcased stories of returning citizens who faced the stigmas of jail, the fines of the court, and were lead back into a life of crime just to make ends meet. This vicious cycle leads back into the criminal justice system with these returning citizens being rearrested or by violation of parole/payment, due to financial
Bibliography:.. **Parenti, Christian, Lockdown America (London; New York: Verso, 1999) 17-19. Lynch, Michael J. and Patterson, Britt, Race and Criminal Justice (New York: Harrow and Heinstien, 1991). *Ranese, Celia "Todays Prison system vs. Yesterdays Slave System" USA TALK 13 March 1999. *Palmer, Louise "Numbers of Blacks in Prison Nears 1 Million" The Boston Globe Seattle Post Intelligencer *United States Department of Justice Bureau of Statistics: Prison Inmate Statistics, Washington 1998 *Polowsky, Robert, "Liberal Legacy" Prison Activist Resource Center (weekly).
In todays society the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. This high incarceration rate is due to the growing phenomena known as mass incarceration. This phenomenon has led to massive increase of people being placed in prison and the amount of money being used for these prisons. The book, Race to Incarcerate by Marc Mauer, focuses on mass incarceration as our default social policy because of the weak welfare state in the U.S. In the book Mauer discusses the causes and the problems with this policy.
Today, half of state prisoners are serving time for nonviolent crimes. Over half of federal prisoners are serving time for drug crimes. Mass incarceration seems to be extremely expensive and a waste of money. It is believed to be a massive failure. Increased punishments and jailing have been declining in effectiveness for more than thirty years. Violent crime rates fell by more than fifty percent between 1991 and 2013, while property crime declined by forty-six percent, according to FBI statistics. Yet between 1990 and 2009, the prison population in the U.S. more than doubled, jumping from 771,243 to over 1.6 million (Nadia Prupis, 2015). While jailing may have at first had a positive result on the crime rate, it has reached a point of being less and less worth all the effort. Income growth and an aging population each had a greater effect on the decline in national crime rates than jailing. Mass incarceration and tough-on-crime policies have had huge social and money-related consequences--from its eighty billion dollars per-year price tag to its many societal costs, including an increased risk of recidivism due to barbarous conditions in prison and a lack of after-release reintegration opportunities. The government needs to rethink their strategy and their policies that are bad
According to statistics since the early 1970’s there has been a 500% increase in the number of people being incarcerated with an average total of 2.2 million people behind bars. The increase in rate of people being incarcerated has also brought about an increasingly disproportionate racial composition. The jails and prisons have a high rate of African Americans incarcerated with an average of 900,000 out of the 2.2 million incarcerateed being African American. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 1 in 6 African American males has been incarcerated at some point in time as of the year 2001. In theory if this trend continues it is estimated that about 1 in 3 black males being born can be expected to spend time in prison and some point in his life. One in nine African American males between the ages of 25 and 29 are currently incarcerated. Although the rate of imprisonment for women is considerably lower than males African American women are incarc...
In the United States, the rate of incarceration has increased shockingly over the past few years. In 2008, it was said that one in 100 U.S. adults were behind bars, meaning more than 2.3 million people. Even more surprising than this high rate is the fact that African Americans have been disproportionately incarcerated, especially low-income and lowly educated blacks. This is racialized mass incarceration. There are a few reasons why racialized mass incarceration occurs and how it negatively affects poor black communities.
The most problematic conclusion about Mass Incarceration, whatever the causes or practices, is that currently America has had the highest national prison rates in the world; furthermore, the rates of minorities (particularly African Americans) are extraordinarily disproportionate to the rates of incarcerated Caucasians. Despite the overall rise in incarceration rates since the 1980s, the crime rates have not been reduced as would be expected. Researchers, activists, and politicians alike are now taking a closer look at Mass Incarceration and how it affects society on a larger scale. The purpose of this paper is to examine the anatomy of Mass Incarceration for a better understanding of its importance as a dominant social issue and its ultimate relation to practice of social work. More specifically the populations affected by mass incarceration and the consequences implacable to social justice. The context of historical perspectives on mass incarceration will be analyzed as well as insight to the current social welfare policies on the
Overcrowding of prisons due to mass incarceration is among one of the biggest problems in America, mass incarceration has ruined many families and lives over the years.America has the highest prison population rate , over the past forty years from 1984 until 2014 that number has grown by four hundred percent .America has four percent of the world population ,but twenty-five percent of the world population of incarcerated people Forty one percent of American juveniles have been or going to be arrested before the age of 23. America has been experimenting with incarceration as a way of showing that they are tough on crime but it actually it just show that they are tough on criminals. imprisonment was put in place to punish, criminals, protect society and rehabilitate criminals for their return into the society .
In the wake of President Obama’s election, the United States seems to be progressing towards a post-racial society. However, the rates of mass incarceration of black males in America deem this to be otherwise. Understanding mass incarceration as a modern racial caste system will reveal the role of the criminal justice system in creating and perpetuating racial hierarchy America. The history of social control in the United States dates back to the first racial caste systems: slavery and the Jim Crow Laws. Although these caste systems were outlawed by the 13th amendment and Civil Rights Act respectively, they are given new life and tailored to the needs of the time.In other words, racial caste in America has not ended but has merely been redesigned in the shape of mass incarceration. Once again, the fact that more than half of the young black men in many large American cities are under the control of the criminal justice system show evidence of a new racial caste system at work. The structure of the criminal justice system brings a disproportionate number of young black males into prisons, relegating them to a permanent second-class status, and ensuring there chances of freedom are slim. Even when minorities are released from prisons, they are discriminated against and most usually end up back in prisons . The role of race in criminal justice system is set up to discriminate, arrest, and imprison a mass number of minority men. From stopping, searching, and arresting, to plea bargaining and sentencing it is apparent that in every phases of the criminal justice system race plays a huge factor. Race and structure of Criminal Justice System, also, inhibit the integration of ex offenders into society and instead of freedom, relea...