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The importance of prison reform
The importance of prison reform
Overcrowding in prisons in united states and affects
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Another growing concern contributing to correctional overcrowding, is the growing ethnic population within prisons. In fact, inquiries has found that the war on crime was in reality a governmental scheme to excuse white fears and criticisms over civil rights issues (Beckett, 1997). Furthermore, these strategies were used to control a group believed to be a threat to the public. In fact, additional theories of racial threats described that whites tend to feel endangered by the existence of African American’s and have a habit of responding to their attendance with added retaliatory correctional policies (Jackson, 1999). It has even been found that the presence of more minorities and less whites have resulted in increased spending on corrections …show more content…
nationally resulting in the disproportion of race and class within correctional facilities (Jacob and Helms, 1999). Because of this, the United States has spent more time accumulating penalties for offences which have resulted in the increase of mass incarceration. An additional concern that is contributing to the problem of prison overcrowding, is the increased rates of suicide taking place within female prisons.
Currently, suicide rates inside of female prisons have surpassed the rates of suicide within male prisons and even within the general female population. And understanding that this is a major concern, minimum progress has been made in the disciplinary policies regarding female offenders, even after knowing that females are more vulnerable than men to have the ability to withstand the harshness of living within a prison setting (Sharkey, 2010). To show this, the population within female correctional facilities has increased significantly within the last decade from 1,998 offenders in 1995 to over 4,392 offenders in 2006 (Prison Reform Trust, …show more content…
2006). At this time, there are few studies that have researched the association between overcrowding and suicide. But for those that have, they have brought to light a growing concern within female correctional facilities (Sharkey, 2010). A recent study compared 20 male and female prisons that displayed the highest levels of suicide against 15 male and female prisons that had lower levels of suicide. Results found that the occurrence of overcrowding was one of several variables amongst the facilities that created additional strain. Findings revealed that overcrowding was linked to increased rates of suicide and that current government procedures to minimize the occurrence of overcrowding by developing additional facilities does not attack the issue of overcrowding within female prisons (Sharkey, 2010). The issue of overcrowding can increase the effects of imprisonment by proliferating uncertainty.
This is frequently done by rearranging prisoners to other cells or by pushing individuals to share cells with people who may fear one another (Sharkey, 2010). On the contrary, the problem of overcrowding creates a louder living environment, continuous commotion within the facility and even infringement of personal space. Overcrowding can also inhibit inmates in engaging in activities, receiving medical care or even hinder the ability of obtaining assistance when needed, which only increases the likelihood of producing additional tension, anger and the likelihood of suicide (Sharkey, 2010). The additional stress of overcrowding also contributed to increased suicidal thoughts and their loss of independence.
Nobody denies that overcrowding affects not only a few inmates, but instead the prison as a whole. As previously mentioned, overcrowding creates increased levels of psychiatric and mental health issues, increased rates of medical issues in addition to the likelihood of repeating crimes. The probability for inmates to participating in cognitive behavior therapy and other rehabilitative programs are also diminished. This inability of available resources can create numerous frustrations such as personal limitations and conflicts that can lead to violence and
self-infliction. One final issue relating to overcrowding is the misclassification of offenders. Being inaccurately misclassified, allows for inmates to be categorized in a way which may not be accurate. As a result, proper care is neglected and biases may developed towards the individual which further hinders the chance for accurate rehabilitation. Overcrowding is an issue that has the power to affect so many other areas.
Alexander (2010) suggests mass incarceration as a system of racialized social control that functions in the same way Jim Crow did. She describes how people that have been incarcer...
Overcrowding is one of the predominate reasons that Western prisons are viewed as inhumane. Chapman’s article has factual information showing that some prisons have as many as three times the amount of prisoners as allowed by maximum space standards. Prison cells are packed with four to five prisoners in a limited six-foot-by-six-foot space, which then, leads to unsanitary conditions. Prisons with overcrowding are exposed to outbreaks of infectious diseases such as, tuberculosis and hepatitis.
Many Americans pretend that the days of racism are far behind; however it is clear that institutional racism still exists in this country. One way of viewing this institutional racism is looking at our nation’s prison system and how the incarceration rates are skewed towards African American men. The reasons for the incarceration rate disparity are argued and different between races, but history points out and starts to show the reason of why the disparity began. Families and children of the incarcerated are adversely affected due to the discrimination as well as the discrimination against African American students and their likelihood of going to prison compared to the white student. African American women are also affected by the discrimination in the incarceration rate. Many white Americans don’t see how racism affects incarceration rates, and that African Americans are more likely to face discrimination from the police as well as being falsely arrested.
Nationwide, blacks are incarcerated at 8.2 times the rate of whites (Human Rights Watch, 2000).” This difference in proportionality does not necessarily involve direct discrimination; it can be explained by a number of combined factors. Correctional agencies do not control the number of minorities who enter their facilities. Therefore, the disparity must come from decisions made earlier in the criminal justice process. Law enforcement, court pre-sentencing policies and procedures, and sentencing all have a direct effect on the overrepresentation of minorities in the correctional population.
California has one of the most dysfunctional and problematic prison system in US. Over the last 30 years, California prison increased eightfolds (201). California Department of Correctional and Rehabilitation (CDCR) does little to reform prisoners and serve as human warehouse rather than a correction institution. California's prison system fails the people it imprisons and society it tries to protect. In many cases, California's prison system exacerbates the pre-existing problems and aids in the formation of new problems for prisoners. This paper discuses the criminogenic effects of overcrowding, and reduction/elimination of programs and how it negatively affects California and the ballooning prison population and possible remedies.
Vogel, Nancy. “Rehab in Prison Can Cut Cost, Report Says; Crowding Exacerbates High Recidivism Rate by Denying Inmates Useful Treatment, Experts Find.” Los Angeles Times: 0. Jun 30 2004. Proquest. Web. 24 Feb 2014
The problem is that regardless of different methods and approaches to prevent prison overcrowding, California still have one, if not, the largest prison population when compared to other states in the nation (ALEC, 2010). Prison overcrowding, defined by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, or CDCR, is when the prison housing capacity is exceeded, creating less spatial room to accommodate inmates (CDCR, 2008). California’s 33 state prisons currently accommodate at least 140,000 inmates. California’s 33 state prisons are so crowded that it has put at serious risks the lives of inmates, prison staffs, and employees. Even with several mental and drug treatment rehabilitation facilities available, California state prisons still have t...
According to statistics since the early 1970’s there has been a 500% increase in the number of people being incarcerated with an average total of 2.2 million people behind bars. The increase in rate of people being incarcerated has also brought about an increasingly disproportionate racial composition. The jails and prisons have a high rate of African Americans incarcerated with an average of 900,000 out of the 2.2 million incarcerateed being African American. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 1 in 6 African American males has been incarcerated at some point in time as of the year 2001.
Thousands of people statewide are in prisons, all for different reasons. However, the amount of mental illness within prisons seems to go unaddressed and ignored throughout the country. This is a serious problem, and the therapy/rehabilitation that prison systems have do not always help those who are mentally ill. Prison involvement itself can contribute to increased suicide (Hills, Holly). One ‘therapy’ that has increased throughout the years has been the use of solitary confinement, which has many negative effects on the inmates.
There are so many more African-Americans than whites in our prisons that the difference cannot be explained by higher crime among African- Americans - racial discrimination is also at work, and it penalizes African- Americans at almost every juncture in the criminal justice system.1
In the wake of President Obama’s election, the United States seems to be progressing towards a post-racial society. However, the rates of mass incarceration of black males in America deem this to be otherwise. Understanding mass incarceration as a modern racial caste system will reveal the role of the criminal justice system in creating and perpetuating racial hierarchy America. The history of social control in the United States dates back to the first racial caste systems: slavery and the Jim Crow Laws. Although these caste systems were outlawed by the 13th amendment and Civil Rights Act respectively, they are given new life and tailored to the needs of the time.In other words, racial caste in America has not ended but has merely been redesigned in the shape of mass incarceration. Once again, the fact that more than half of the young black men in many large American cities are under the control of the criminal justice system show evidence of a new racial caste system at work. The structure of the criminal justice system brings a disproportionate number of young black males into prisons, relegating them to a permanent second-class status, and ensuring there chances of freedom are slim. Even when minorities are released from prisons, they are discriminated against and most usually end up back in prisons . The role of race in criminal justice system is set up to discriminate, arrest, and imprison a mass number of minority men. From stopping, searching, and arresting, to plea bargaining and sentencing it is apparent that in every phases of the criminal justice system race plays a huge factor. Race and structure of Criminal Justice System, also, inhibit the integration of ex offenders into society and instead of freedom, relea...
Haney, Craig. "Prison Overcrowding: Harmful Consequences and Dysfunctional Reactions." Prison Overcrowding: Harmful Consequences and Dysfunctional Reactions. Prison Commission, n.d. Web. 1 Jul 2010.
Overcrowding is a major issue in the United Kingdom and Whales. According to One in Four Prisoners in Overcrowded Cells (2013), the Howard League for Penal Reform claims that an extremely large number of prisoners are affected by overcrowding. They stated that around 19,140 prisoners were forced to share a one-person cell with another inmate. Between April 2012 and March of 2013, the Ministry of Justice has shown that around 8...
Firstly, in order to gain a better understanding of the problems that plague our correctional system we must fully understand the enormous overcrowding problem that exists in the majority of state and federal prisons. Since 1980 the prison population has quadrupled and only the numbers continue to rise (Schmalleger, 2012).To help reduce the overcrowding problem within our prisons, taxpayers have funded 102 new correctional facilities since 1980 (Shelden, 1999).... ... middle of paper ... ... Offenders that are incarcerated within the prison quickly find a group of people commonly associated with their ethnic groups to establish a rapport with.
The first issue that I would like to address is the overcrowding issues in prisons. In my opinion, overcrowding issues are the biggest issues in our correctional system that concerns every citizen. Running a prison required money, resources and manpower, with overcrowding issues, the government would have no choice but to increase the number of correctional facilities, privatized prisons and increasing manpower. According to (Levitt, 1996), “The incarceration rate in the United States has more than tripled in the last two decades. At year-end 1994 the United States prison population exceeded one million. Annual government outlays on prisons are roughly $40 billion per year. The rate of imprisonment in the United States is three to four times greater than most European countries.” (p.1). Overcrowding issues are not only affect prisons but the society as a whole as well. The reason is simply because prison population directly refl...