R. Eric Thomas Crying On TV

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Dear Spotlight Ensemble Productions, as we know, the playwright of “Crying on Television,” R. Eric Thomas, presents a heavy significance throughout this play for emotional resilience. A unifying principle that properly exudes my take on the strongest factor of the script is “To traverse through vulnerability.” I believe so because starting with the title itself, we as readers or audience are already given a “gist” of what exactly the scenarios within the script would consist of. According to past interviews and research, we also know that Thomas explained that each character reflects his own feelings of emotional trials throughout his lifetime. My viewpoint of this unifying principle will be displayed through presenting examples of the dramaturgical …show more content…

I mentioned how they usually cry because of a minor TV show situation, not necessarily a reason to boast into tears. That said, my next point is presented, which is Thomas’ use of irony when connected to emotion. The elements of irony I see within the script are dramatic and situational. As for dramatic, I’d like to touch on Mackenzie, Ellison, and Taffy’s meeting in Chris’ apartment. An instance of dramatic irony is shown here when Taffy is constantly eating what she believes to be cookies, but they are cat treats. This isn’t my main point of bringing this up, because after she is disgusted by the taste of the cat treats, she dumps them into a tote bag, which then leads to Ellison picking up this tote bag and noticing the cookies that she also believes that Mackenzie ate, and she bursts into tears. “Why would you do this?” he asked. If you didn’t like my cookies, you could have just told me!” Obviously, Ellison is unaware of what happened to her “cookies” but Thomas showing her actively crying instead of choosing to make her silently accept that maybe her peers disliked her treats presents another example of how open and comfortable these characters are with exuding heavy emotions. As far as we can see, there isn’t an instance of these characters suppressing their emotions compared to the beginning of the story, so to me this proves that the playwright wants us as an audience to understand how the plot prominently revolves around vulnerability and of course how they “traverse” through

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