Quincerarena And The Modern Quinceanera

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The history of a quinceanera dates back to the Aztecs in 5000 B.C. The Aztecs believed that by the age of fifteen, young boys had to take on a job of a grown man. As for the girls, the Aztecs believe that when they turned fifteen they were already a young woman. At that age, the young ladies were given instructions and responsibilities of womanhood. Young girls were also considered marriage ready by the age of fifteen. The quincearenas were plain and simple back then. The only thing the quincearena had to do that evening was to enjoy herself and have a great time with her family members and friends. The quincearenas now a days are not so plain at all nor simple. At times the birthday girl is given the opportunity to wear and choose two or three different dresses to wear on her special day. A traditional …show more content…

Both the modern quincearena and the traditional qunicearena have some similarities. Some of the similarities are attending mass, the father and daughter dance, the last doll that is given to her, presented, and a surprise gift from a sponsor. Many of the times this gift is a high value gift which may be very expensive. On the other hand, the modern quincerarena is different in the way that the birthday girl has either males dancing for her and her guests or a dance she has practiced with them. For a quincearena, parents may spend not a few but thousands of dollars. But money does not matter, it’s the memories last a lifetime. The dress maybe worth 1,000 to 2,000 that all depends on the style that the young lady decides on. A package may include but is not limited to: the book of signatures, a crown and other accessories. The dress color is usually chosen by the birthday girl and her mom. At times, the dress may consists of two pieces. A two piece dress come with the bottom part that detaches so when the birthday girl dances with the male dancers it’s easier for her to

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