I attended the play Quills on October 29th at 2:00 PM which was put on by the Student Experimental Theatre Organization. The play was a drama held in an insane asylum. Dr. Royer Collard is over an insane asylum where he gets help from a priest, Abbe de Coulmier. Renée Pelagie has a bed reputation from her insane and ungodly husband that is a patient in the asylum. She tries her hardest for the asylum to quit having him be able to write because what he writes is horrible and affects all in the community. Abbe de Coulmier struggles with keeping him under control. While in the end Coulmier goes insane and Dr. Collard blames him and puts him in the asylum. The playwright’s belief would be to not be led by someone else, but to always stand up for your first option. Never get pushed around by others because it can drive you insane. The director did use different levels of stage to give the audience pictures. …show more content…
Marquis, played by Lucas Moulder, was a very complex character to follow, but yet so believable at all times throughout the entire play.
He had good diction and projection during the play. In the black box, they did not have microphones, so the audience had to be silent in order to listen to the actors. Marquis had no problem with his words and yelling at times to emphasis words. During the play, he made it clear how he felt towards certain individuals. He had crushes on some of the other characters, while others he despised with hatred. He was very consistent when taking different forms of his character. Making his character be believable and be a mad man as they wanted the audience to think. With his different laughs and facial expressions are what made it be so realistic, he was playing the part not just doing it. Although his accent was believable and mostly consistent there were a few times he lost it when getting quiet or loud with his voice. The actor showed he was confident on stage, reason for this is he got completely naked in front of a live
audience. The lighting used in the play was at times very appropriate, but not bright enough. It made some of the characters not seem as clear as they should of. Making the actors seem more like shadows at time rather than full figures. The lights changed colors when something major happened which set an appropriate mood for the audience. It did not seem attractive, but just seemed necessary for the scenes in the play. I would recommend this show to someone who likes to put together pieces of the puzzle as you are watching the play. You will be able to embed the play as you are watching it. It does have parts that are gross and full frontal male nudity, but that never hurts anyone. The play can show how throughout life you should do what makes you comfortable, not what makes
First of all, I’m going to start with musical comedy murder of 1940. Before the play started I was skeptical about watching a play because I thought it was going to be boring. I had a long time not attending to a theatrical play so; I kind of forgot how it felt to be watching a live play. When I arrived to the theater I felted welcome pleasant from the people who welcomed everyone to come inside the theatre. The play turns out to be amazing through the whole play I was laughing, excited it really caught my attention because the actors did a terrific job playing each scene and lines. The setting and lights of the play was plan very well for example; in of the scene actors and actress talked
I could see how Harold Hill’s tactic changed from something along the lines of ‘to deceive’ to ‘to woo’ around the song “The sadder but wiser girl”. Marian Paroo’s tactic also changes from ‘to avoid’ to ‘to love’ around “My white Knight”. These actors also projected extremely well, as I could hear everything being said. They articulated well too, which I believe must be hard for them as every character had a southern accent. The actors easily incorporated their character’s goals into their acting and onstage
are meant to present a show at the fete. The play uses comedy as its
Instead of a powerful physical image, like Queen Elizabeth I, Richard implements elegant soliloquies, engages in witty banter, and attunes the audience to his motives with frequent asides. This flexibility demonstrates Richard's thespian superiority and power over the rest of the play's cast, making him a unique character in the play, but why does he do it? This constant battle between characters to claim mastery over a scene leaves the audience with a seemingly overlooked source of power for an actor [clarify/expand].
The Marquis de Sade, madman or genius? The jury's still out. As shown in the selected passage, the Marquis had an amazing ability for writing and drawing in the reader. His use of dramatic language is captivating and adds a sense of excitement to the passage. The logical layout of many of his arguments is often juxtaposed with the madness of many of his ideas. However, he writes in such a way that the reader is often drawn into his mad world without realising it.
Galens, David, and Lynn M. Spampinato, eds. Drama for Students. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Print.
The most successful aspect of the performance for me were the scene changes. I found that the rotation of the blackboard, center stage, where the actors were able to stoop beneath it in order to enter and exit the stage, was an effective touch to this non naturalistic performance. When this was first used, at the end of the first scene, when the characters Ruth and Al left the stage, I thought it didn't quite fit as at the beginning the style was leaning towards realism. But as the play progressed and the acting style became more and more non naturalistic, and this rotation of the black board technique was used more frequently it fitted in really well and became really effective.
Galens, David, ed. Drama for Students "resenting Analysis, Cntext and Critism on Commonly Studied Drama" . Vol. Volume 1. Detroit : Gale Research , 1998 .
In the movie there were particular characters who played their roles very convincingly. One of them, Uncle Quentin, was portrayed as an absent minded professor who was extremely scholarly and brilliant with matters of mathematics and science however was befuddled by everyday occurrences such as paying bills, excitable children and barking dogs. He was usually shouting at the other characters and constantly bumbling into walls and doors. This portrayed him in a humorous light and audience members would be drawn into the portrayal of this socially inept genius and the exchanges between him and other characters in the
"Elizabethan Theatre Audiences." Elizabethan Theatre Audiences. Strayer University, 16 May 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.
in the way he speaks in a sly voice. He is the perfect actor to play
” Drama for Students. Ed. Anne Marie Hacht. Vol. 21.
"Theatre of the Absurd." Belen Jesuit Preparatory School - Home Page. 22 Feb. 2009 .
...more creative with script of the play. He did this primarily by writing dialogue that conveyed both emotional and everlasting love along with self-sacrificing for love. Through the movie the people who were concerned with obtaining money from this play began to accept the romantic sensation of the play. The characters change from negative to neutral or completely positive. Fennyman is the perfect example of this he is obsessed with getting his money back at the beginning but at the end he is more concerned about the play and his role has the apothecary. Overall the movie did not only show how Shakespeare life and personal experiences affected his writing but how they changed the personality of the actors and the higher ups. The higher ups opinions where changed drastically realizing that there are occasions were change is required to evolve society and it thoughts.
“The theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and the social situation,” says Stella Adler. Theater is unique and intriguing because it blends literary and visual arts to tell a story. Before Theater 10, I viewed theater on the surface level: cheesy plot lines with dramatic scenarios for entertainment purposes. Throughout the course, I have learned what it means to appreciate theater, such as understanding Brechtian and Chinese theatre; however, I believe understanding theater’s ability to convey crucial historical and social messages, such as in the production of RENT, is more relevant and important for theater appreciation.