Quest for Power In The Tempest

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Quest for Power In The Tempest

I suggest that engraved into humanity's essence is the intense desire for power. William Shakespeare's play, The Tempest not only depicts this concept, but breaks it down for the reader; enabling effective analysis of this concept. Through notable characterization, Shakespeare is able to convey key concepts regarding the idea of power versus ambition. Specifically, the role that ambition and the moderation of one's ambition play in the effectiveness of control. Through their simple actions the characters from The Tempest expose their individual philosophies concerning strength and power. Moreover, these individuals' influence or apparent influence upon each other must be contrasted to derive Shakespeare's views. Power is sought universally among men, yet the control is achieved through moderation of one's ambition.

A clear definition of power may be ascertained through the characters' actions. A great disparity exists among the characters and their concepts, or even definitions of power. Ultimately what the majority character in the play desire is control: control of territory or control over their peers. Control is, however, the extension or outcome of power. This contrast may be seen through the interaction between Alonso and Sebastian. Although Alonso is the "kin", and is representative of power he has little control over his subjects. Sebastian, enchanted by th...

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...nd Antonio to Caliban and Prospero, a wide standard of power and influence is set up for the reader to follow. Ultimately, however, it is Prospero who is highlighted as the true craftsman of control and power.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. "Shakespeare Homepage"

McNamara, Joel. "Introduction to the Tempest." The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page. February 22, 2002. (June 10, 2002).

Reitz Mullenix, Elizabeth. Illinois Shakespeare Festival. "The Tempest."

1996 (June 10, 2002).

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