The Battle of Jericho, Apocalypse Now, and Citizen Kane Measure Up

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As told by Jim Grove, power is a “desire in all man that ceaseth only with death.” Many crave power, yet only few know how to maintain it. In the novel, The Battle of Jericho and the films, Apocalypse Now and Citizen Kane, rank or position, pride and gender inequality promote power in lives of the protagonists and significant characters. Each element indirectly correlates with advancement of power.

Rank or position plays a pivotal in the development of power role in these three forms of art. In The Battle of Jericho, the Warriors of Distinction, immediately assert themselves as the masters of their fellow students, of whom they call "pledge slimes." All the pledges perceive the opportunity to be members of the Warriors as honorable, and are willing to do anything and everything to be members themselves. Utilizing this to their advantage, the Warriors menacingly assemble dangerous and at times illegal tasks to demonstrate their power over the pledges, which continuously grows. Also illustrating rank as power is Captain Willard in Apocalypse now, n the film Captain Willard is ordered by Lt. General Corman and Colonel Lucas to find and kill Colonel Kurtz; the two officers have power over Willard. Although, he could have declined to execute the mission, he accepted due to the fact that it was an order from high-ranking officers. Willard also uses his rank to establish his power while on the boat, when he demands Chief Philips continue towards the direction he wants them to go, and says "I am in charge." Another film that displays the use of rank in support of power is Citizen Kane. In it, Kane uses his position to establish his dominance over the newspaper industry. By gaining control of the New York Inquirer, he uses attention-grabb...

... middle of paper ... always shown as submissive. For example, when Susan decides not to sing anymore, Kane stands over her and demands that she will sing again while Susan is shown crying. No power struggle is depicted, only the dominance of man. As proven in all three forms of art, gender inequality exude power with male domination. Female power, if any, is imperceptible and does not share the same importance as they do with men.

In conclusion, the films and novel named above reveal the three unlikely elements that fuse to illustrate the advancement of power. As rank, pride and gender inequality become significant power increases and elevates the person holding that power. Though many crave power, few know how to maintain it with these same elements.

Works Cited

Jim Grove "desire in all man that ceaseth only with death.” The Battle of Jericho, Apocalypse Now and Citizen Kane

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