Quantum Mechanics and Islam

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Quantum mechanics or also known as quantum physics is a field of science which studies the behaviour of particles at sub-atomic level. This theory tells us that short-lived pairs of particles and their antiparticles are constantly being created and destroyed in an apparently empty space.

In quantum mechanics the weird behaviour of electrons are not accurately explained and until now not a single theory is acceptable by the whole scientific community to postulate the phenomena. The electrons become linked, or entangled, such that changing one invariably affects the other, no matter how far apart they are; something Einstein called "spooky action at a distance". Quantum stuff can also exist in several places at once, or spin clockwise and anticlockwise simultaneously. But when scientists make a measurement, they always get just one answer. Why do particles at subatomic level behave in this manner?

Even though modern scientists are able to produce many technologically new products from the application of the principles involved in quantum mechanics, they are still struggling to explain the phenomena in the form of an acceptable theory. The above question remains unanswered. It is the aim of this study to provide some reasonable arguments from the Islamic science perspective that at the end hopefully could lead to the answer to the questions.

The knowledge that modern scientists have at the moment is still inadequate to explain the mysteries that they are facing as the scientific journey penetrates deeper to the extreme end of the subatomic particles. Steven Hawking rightly agrees and believes that the partial theories that the contemporary scientists have are sufficient to make accurate predictions in all but the...

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