Qualitative Research Methodology Essay

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3.1 Introduction. The rationale for our adoption of the qualitative method of data collection – the main method being the interview, backed by study of documentation and policies is based on the interactions (Blumer, 1969) premise that when the aim of the research is to understand a complex process where those involved have different perspectives on the matter in question, it makes sense to adopt a research strategy which allows these perspectives to be understood in the same terms in which the participants understand them. In this study, this approach would result in the production of a comprehensive analysis of the processes and thinking which lie behind the activities involved in the budget and innovation Therefore the research methodology followed was qualitative. The qualitative methodology will be able to capture and measure through the research questions. The measurement will be done through data which will be collected in the form of document, words, transcripts and observation. The objective of the study is to answer the research questions rather than tests or formulate hypothesis. The measurements will be in terms of transcripts from interview and the theory was not inclusive, therefore this will allow the analysis to be extracted from the themes of evidence collected via interviews to be presented as consistent. Therefore explaining why qualitative research methodology was chosen. As mentioned above, will be using the qualitative data analysis, in which would be conducting interviews with managers. The interview data would need to be transcribed, documented and collated. A detailed written description would be prepared for each interview by reference to the interview themes outlined. 3.2 Research questions/Hypotheses:... ... middle of paper ... ...to all participants to ensure that their comments were accurately captured. Validity All the required steps will be undertaken to ensure that all the measurements are valid. The steps that will be followed will be disclosed. 3.8 Ethical considerations The motives of the research would honest. The first would be how the data is collected and recorded during interviews. Would ensure that information is ethical collected and to ensure the results represent what has been gathered. Also the interviewee’ is protected at all times. 3.9 Conclusion To address the research questions, an in depth analysis would be undertaken of the Eskom budget procedures and innovation processes, state owned company and leading player in electricity provision in the energy sector. The methodology is dictated by lack of prior research into the relationship between innovation and budget.

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