Methodology: The Purpose Of The Quantitative Approach?

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Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. The key focus in this chapter is summarizing and express the resolution of the methodology utilized in connection with the research. Firstly, the knowledge of research design will be provided which demonstrates the stimulation of the research. Secondly, there is the discussion the data collection and data resources. Finally, the last part of this chapter will show the theories involved in this thesis (The triple-bottom line and Carroll’s CSR pyramid). 3.1 Research Design There are two kinds of research design, which are “Qualitative Research” and “Quantitative Research”. The purpose of the Quantitative Approach is to measure situation by examining numeri-cal information, on the other hand, Qualitative Approach purposes to examine the sample by ana-lyzing literal information. To illustrate information in depth as well as investigate sophisticated is-sues, Qualitative approach is more suitable and useful …show more content…

As a result of obtaining the primary data, which is the novel information, utilizing Quantitative method, the researcher collects the information by interviewing the employees in those organizations related to corporate social responsibility sector. Additionally, the secondary data, the researcher is able to search from academic writing from the previous research databases such as articles, journals, and textbooks. The research aims are to examine the company’s image based on the corporate social responsibility in Thailand. Thus, this research principally pays attention on the corporate social responsibility principles and actuations of petroleum companies in

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