Push And Pull Reasons Why People Forced Into Trafficking

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servitude. This form of treatment “often occurs in Central America where teenagers are taken from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala to work in brothels in Costa Rica and elsewhere that cater primarily to sex tourists from Canada and the United States” (Nagle, 2008, p.147).

Figure 2 Source: International Labor Organization 2012

Victims are most commonly trafficked into forced labor, forced sex work and domestic servitude. Victims are tricked, forced or coerced into slavery. Victims may be men, women or children from a wide-range of backgrounds, classes, and races. It’s not unusual for victims to be trafficked by someone they know and trust, including friends and seemingly trustworthy recruiters and agents. Traffickers use various techniques …show more content…

Push factors describe reasons why individuals feel forced into trafficking to get away from something they perceive as a greater risk with worse outcomes. Pull factors describe reasons why people are drawn into trafficking. Luzestella Nagle describes the difference saying victims are “attracted by pull factors and betrayed by push” (Nagle, 2008, p.145). Push factors include a broad array of economic, social, cultural, and political conditions in the countries where victims are obtained. Examples of push factors in Latin America include poor economic activity and lack of job opportunities, poverty, lack of opportunities to improve an individual’s quality of life, gender discrimination, weak law enforcement and political corruption. Pull factors are the never-ending demand for bodies (to provide labor or for the sex trade industries) and perception of higher wage opportunities (Risley, 2010). “Applying push and pull factors identifies the following crucial elements: growing demand for cheap labor; fundamental desire to achieve a better life; ruthless human trafficking supply/transportation structure; and a high number of consumers benefiting from the exploitation of trafficking victims” (Nagle, 2008,

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