Human Trafficking In Mexico Essay

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Human Trafficking in Mexico Slavery has occurred for the past hundreds of years, it’s still occurring in the twenty first century. The name that people have for slavery in modern day is human trafficking; it is one of the top crimes in Mexico. Not only are the people that are being trafficked victims, the families of these people never see each other again. Trafficking in Mexico has become popular with the drug cartels and they are starting to rely on trafficking for their main source of income, such as the Zetas. These problems have caused pain for many in Mexico and even in the U.S. because of the shared border and some U.S. citizens have lost some of their loved ones because of the trafficking, this is the reason that the U.S. should get involved and help Mexico. Human trafficking victims can be forced to do different things such as physical labor and prostitution. The things that usually are key to trafficking are that the victims are vulnerable to anything that involves a better life or involving moving into the U.S. The main reason is that they suffer from poverty; the victims want to help their family with money and are open to whatever way there is to get money. In addition, many in Mexico risk their lives to come to the U.S. hoping that they can find work. They go through parts of Mexico that are considered to have the most violence with drugs, cartels and trafficking are then most often caught by the cartels and have no other choice but to be a slave working to pay off their “debt” that they have to the cartels. Also the traffickers use everything because the victims are vulnerable, to control the victims often the victims are being belittled by their traffickers, many people that suffered sometimes tell... ... middle of paper ... states as well. Through doing this report many things were learned and it was very eye opening to the suffering that some people in other parts of the world must endure to get into the U.S. And that the obstacles are much greater than what was expected. Another was that there weren’t many things to reduce or stop the trafficking in Mexico or elsewhere. There is still the need for a lot of work to reduce trafficking, but imagine all the lives that will be saved when there is less trafficking. Plus some of the people being trafficked are children, which means that those children are going to be that next adults making the next big decisions. Also many families are torn apart, if there is more help for this issue that revolve around human beings that don’t deserve that kind of life or suffering all in the name of a better life here or anywhere in the world.

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