Sex Trafficking

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Sex trafficking is essentially systemic rape for profit. Force, fraud and coercion are used to control the victim’s behavior which may secure the appearance of consent to please the buyer (or john). Behind every transaction is violence or the threat of violence (Axtell par. 4). Just a decade ago, only a third of the countries studied by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had legislation against human trafficking. (Darker Side, par.1) Women, children, and even men are taken from their homes, and off of the streets and are brought into a life that is almost impossible to get out of. This life is not one of choice, it is in most times by force. UNODC estimates that the total international human trafficking is a $32-billion-per-year business, and that 79% of this activity comprises sexual exploitation. As many as 2 million children a year are victims of commercial sexual exploitation, according the the U.S. State Department.-- Cynthia G. Wagner. (Darker Side, par. 4) The words prostitute, pimp, escort, and stripper tend to be way too common in the American everyday vocabulary. People use these words in a joking manner, but sex trafficking is far from a joke. Everyday, from all different countries, people are bought and sold either by force or false promises. Some are kidnapped and others come to America with dreams of a dream life and job. The buyers involved in the trade will do anything to purchase an innocent life just to sell for their own selfish profit. Many people wouldn’t think of a human body to be something you can buy in the back room of a business or even online. But those plus the streets are where people are sold most often. There are many reasons and causes for sex trafficking. The factors behind sex traffic...

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...ll to hide it. Even though there are laws prohibiting sex trafficking, there are way too many causes to get it to be gone for good.

Works Cited

"Selling American Girls: The Truth About Domestic Minor Sex-Trafficking." Forbes. Ed. Brooke Axtell. Forbes Magazine, 03 Dec. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.
"The Darker Side Of The Sex Industry: Slavery And Sex Trafficking." Futurist 46.3 (2012): 38-39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.
Kristof, N.D. (2012, Apr. 19). Not Quite A Teen, Yet Sold for Sex. The New York Times.
Retrieved October 22, 2013, from Gale Researcher.
"Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States." Women's Funding Network. Women's Funding Network, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.
Marcin, Steve. "Prostitution And Human Trafficking: A Paradigm Shift." FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 82.3 (2013): 1-4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

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