Human Trafficking Problem: The Sex Slave Industry

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History books, novels, biographies among other things, have provided our society with proof of our evolution from animal-like demeanor to what we are now, a smarter more civilized species, or so we’d like to think. This leads me to reflect on a rarely mentioned subject, the sex trade proving once again that man sees vulnerability as an advantage; an easy opportunity to make money. Statistics published in the Sex Slaves article, indicate a substantial growth of trafficked victims worldwide. As many as 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year. The sex trade refers to the illegal selling and buying of human beings who are then either sexually exploited and/or used as domestic slaves. This gruesome crime against humanity is rarely addressed and some how over-looked by government officials. However, as the numbers keep rising so should the initiatives to make a change.

The key to solving a problem such as the global sex trade is the power of knowledge and awareness of the issue. If knowledge were to seep through poverty stricken villages, maybe families would consider the possible consequences of selling their daughters, and perhaps naive girls would think twice before becoming gullible to lies. When I conducted a multiple choice questionnaire among a group of students and peers, my results proved women have a slightly further comprehension of this issue yet people in general have a vague understanding. It seems women have greater perception of this issue, because of their ability to sympathize and feel a bond among their kind. Throughout my research, I came across various books, articles and documentaries discussing the global effects of this market, and uncovered that most government offic...

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...ell, Arlie and Barbara, Ehrenreich. Global Women: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers. Owl Book Edition 2004 & Metroplitan 2003, 2002.

4. Palacios, Ari. “ What do you know about…The Global Sex Trade.” Questionnaire. Fresno: Heald College, 2010

5. Landesman, Peter. “The Girls Next Door.” New York Times 24 Jan. 2004: 1-12.Sex Slaves. Dir. Tim Mangini. (Author) Ric Esther Bienstock. PBS, Frontline Documentary Video, 2006., 2006.

6. India Land of the Missing Children. (Produced) Sam Kiley.2007. Documentary Video., 2007.

7. “Sex Trafficking is Modern-Day Slavery Facts and Statistics.” Home Of Hope Texas. Bring Hope Inc, Web. 23 March. 2010.

8. “About Human Trafficking,” End Human Trafficking Now!! LINKdotNET, 2009. Web. 23 March 2010.

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