Purple Hibiscus Quotes

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“An abuser can seem emotionally needy. You can get caught in a trap of catering to him.” -Lundy Bancroft, this quote explains how abuse is a way of correction or to show that you did something. Which brings us to Purple Hibiscus , by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, in the story Kambili is abused by her very religious father for minor things, throughout the story the main character Kambili starts off as shy and she starts to become more social during the book. . In the beginning of Purple Hibiscus, Kambili’s adversities do elicit talents she never knew she had, which proves Horace's argument that adversity leads to positive change. One of the talents is her ability to stay positive. At the beginning of the book, Papa brought Kambili in his room …show more content…

Around page 115-120, you see how fearful Kambili can really get. On page 118 Amaka asks Kambili questions, like did you want to come here and is this room to good for you then assumes an answer, when Kambili thinks about answering she gets frightened by thinking about her reaction . A quote from the page 118 is “I was not sure she would be pleased to hear that.” Kambili is fearful because she thinks about how everyone would react. 100 pages further into the book you see Kambili being loving towards Father Amadi. After Kambili got out of the hospital she went to Aunty Ifeoma’s house again. While she was there Amaka had asked Kambili does she have a crush on Father Amadi. On page 219 is states “Crush was mild, it did not come close to how I feel.” Kambili is loving because she has an indescribable amount of love for Father Amade, just like it said in the quote”crush was mild.” This relates to Horace’s quote because …show more content…

On page 276 Kambili had confessed her love for Father Amadi and he had said he wasn’t the one for her. On the same page Kambili said “ He was wrong. He was so so wrong.” This shows anger because Kambili has so much love for Father Amadi and she was so sad and frustrated about how he reacted to her confession. In the quote you can also see how Kambili was frustrated because she kept telling herself that Father Amadi was wrong about his decision. The next trait the Kambili is grief. On page 298 Aunty Ifeoma and Father Amadi moves away to different countries and Eugene was poisoned by Mama. A quote from this page states “ I asked the new family to come in.” This goes back to Horace’s quote because In the beginning of the book Kambili never really felt grief or any other emotions because of Eugene. The quote also tells how Kambili had grieved over Aunty Ifeoma moving away because she asked the current owner of Aunty Ifeoma’s old flat can she come

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