Pulse Investigation

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Pulse Investigation


My aim is to investigate one factor that affects pulse rate. I thought

about this for a while and read a few medical books before deciding

that I would investigate how physical activity can affect pulse rate

and the recovery rate



I predict increasing physical activity will make the pulse rate go

higher because exercise increases the rate at which energy is needed

from food. This increases the need for both food and oxygen in the

body. This is why your pulse rate increases with exercise. Your pulse

is just an indication of your heart rate as your arteries expand each

time the ventricles pump blood out of the heart. Your heart speeds up

to pump extra food and oxygen to the muscles. Also increasing the

physical activity will slow down the recovery rate because there is

more lactic acid, due to anaerobic exercise, to convert to Carbon

Dioxide and water and for this oxygen is needed which the heart has to




I plan to conduct an experiment that will allow me to obtain results

in which I can analyse in a clear way. My experiment will take place

in a gymnasium in room temperature. I will need a jogging machine with

a stop watch

1. I will first take my resting pulse rate by placing the tips of my

index and middle fingers on the skin just above the artery. Once I

have found the pulse, I will count the beats for 15 seconds. Then I

will multiply the result by 4 that will give me my resting pulse rate

per minute.

2. Then I will go on the jogging machine and walk at a speed of 4 km/h

for 5 minutes. After that I will stop and then take my pulse rate

every minute until it comes back to my resting rate.

3. I will then do the same experiment with speeds of 8 km/h and 12

km/h, making sure that before every time I start my pulse rate is at

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