Public Enemy Symbolism

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The Public Enemy is arguably one of the most classic gangster films of all time. However, the Hayes code that was established in 1930 set regulations on the showing of crime, authority, and/or sexuality. William Wellman decided to portray all three of these in the film through the illegal production and selling of alcohol, making the police seem like a threat in which ultimately glorified the gangster. You can see efforts to avoid the laws of the Hays Code in many of the murder scenes. At the beginning and the end of the film even starts there is a message from Warner Brothers stating that they are not trying to glorify the gangster.Tom Powers also plays a huge part in why they were able to show many of the code breaking scenes. Tom Powers …show more content…

Passionate kissing and any sort of sexual conduct was forbidden to show under the code. The film barely tries to hide these actions throughout the movie. Tom and Matt picked up girls in a restaurant and off the streets. We also see Tom laying in bed with another woman advocating that they had slept together. One of the more apparent times this happens is when Mamie Servs Matt breakfast in bed implying that they were together. Another time this happens is when Tom gets drunk with Paddy Ryan’s girlfriend and she seduces him. The next morning Paddy asks him “ you're not sorry are you” and Tom has no recollection of what happened and says “you Didn't”. These were violations of the Hays code and they were able to show them in the …show more content…

This is seen when their are two policemen talking to Nails Nathan in his office. This is also seen when Tom, Matt, and Larry Dalton are robbing the Federal building. in this scene they sneak into the building, but while inside Tom gets startled by a stuffed bear and shoots it alerting the police. This results in them running and Larry being shot and killed. Even though Larry was with the mob you feel bad for him because it wasn't his fault they got shot at it was toms for shooting the bear. This makes you dislike the police even though they did not do anything wrong. One of the most controversial scenes is the one in which Tom smashes a grapefruit into his girlfriend’s face. This shows the violence that the Hays code could not regulate because no one was

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