Public Education And Social Justice

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This semester, one of my papers is called” Education, resistance and social justice". What is social justice? What is education? What is the relationship between the public education and social justice? The social justice is a world in which the distribution of resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable, and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure, recognized, and treated with respect (Bell, 2016). Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits (Wikipedia, 2016). These two subjects are contacted with each other. Thus, in my essay, I will discuss and compare between New Zealand and China one of the issue in public education, which is gender. …show more content…

Sex differences may be by nature, but the gender differences have their sources in culture, not nature (Oakley 1972, in the Williams and Sheehan, 2001). Gender, or what it is to be masculine or feminine, is constructed by the society in which a person lives and is socialized. Moreover, biological determinism is maintained that gender differences are a product of biological factors. (Williams and Sheehan, n.d). Thus, there are two main ways to explain the difference about gender.
How has the problem been identified? What is seen as the cause of the problem?

According to Williams and Sheehan (n.d) that the issue of gender dynamics and how those are played out in educational settings is a complex and perplexing one. China, the education system is different with New Zealand. There is a gap between male and female in the industries, especially in education …show more content…

First, the occupational segregation, when people choose their occupation, they need consider more things, such as family issue, financial, future development and culture. Male may choose a business for their career, which could make more money to improve their lives. The female may choose the nursing, social worker and education, especially ECE. The payment between male and female is quite different. The female usually is lower paid than men. Moreover, do not have any make will choose the education for their occupation. They think that female is better than male in that area. The female is more kindly for children or student. In NZ, occupational segregation is estimated to account for around 30 percent of the gender pay gap because female-dominated occupations tend to be lower paid than those dominated by men, and there are a higher proportion of men in senior positions (Ministry for women, 2016). Male and female could work at the same school, but the payment may not be the same. Thus, there is few males would work at school. Second, vertical segregation, a pattern of vertical segregation is also evident as men are more prevalent in managerial positions in NZ (Ministry for women, 2016). Male usually will get high position in the industry, such as CEO or director. However, in the education area, the highest position usually is by female, such as kindergarten. Same place in

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