Psychoanalytic Criticism In Amy Tan's 'Two Kinds'

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The Literary theme that has captivated my interest and has moved me to research and understand the content which it describes or analyze , would be The Ambition of Self improvement. This theme can be related with psychoanalytic criticism. The story that has inspired me to study this theme comes from a short fiction story written by Amy Tan, named “Two Kinds”. This story has primary conflict between mother and daughter, with self improvement being the main theme identified in the text. Conflict that emerges between parents and children are still common factors current in society today. Personal experiences readers have had growing up can ignite an interest for readers to seek understanding of self improvement and the factors of Psychoanalytic criticism that adopt in them. The author of “Two Kinds” describes herself in the child character described in the story she narrates. Amy Tan was a first generation daughter to an immigrant couple from China. Growing up her parents wanted her to become a Doctor , or a concert pianist. As the author she creates a character resembling her child self, and bringing back memories of the relationship she shared with her mother. The main characters in the content, describes a young girl and her mother striving to search for a prodigy that will dictate the fait of the …show more content…

The point of view she expressed through out the whole text, was her own. She was able to keep readers insight of the psychoanalytic theory the story has. The actions the protagonist had in the story showed us how it affected her adult self, and how the issue developed a rebel over time. Even after years from when the recurring events took place, her actions as a child had an effect on both mother and daughter. This theory gives readers the idea that things that happen to people during childhood can contribute to the way they later function as

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