Prudence Monologue

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I told you so. How could you say I didn’t? It was impossible to listen, but then again, you thought you were listening to the impossible. For so many months, for so many years, you chose to ignore me. The pain and humiliation you inflicted on me, not to mention your complete apathy! Why, people would have thought you the demon instead of me! Every single person in that village tried their hardest to make my life as miserable as humanly possible. Fat lot of good it did you; just look where you are now! Practically forgotten, rarely grieved. By now, you should know how important it is to listen. Because you know this is hell, and you don’t want to imagine where you’ll go next. You all remember Prudence, don’t you? The village psychotic, wild-eyed and hysterical. She always ranted about things you considered meaningless, like how her dreams constantly described someone who would come and claim your lives swiftly and stealthily. She always warned you about tremendous future suffering. The only way to escape such a morbid end would be to heed this advice and flee from town. Vu 2 “Listen! Someone is coming for us! We must leave this town! The life we live after Death is worse than you could ever imagine!” Prudence would scream. She …show more content…

You all could have escaped this end. You all could have listened, or at least show sympathy for a person you deemed neurotic. But no. You treated poor Prudence like a pariah and accordingly burned her at the stake for witchcraft; her premonitions had been too vivid to fall under your standards of normalcy, and even more, she was just so irritating. With this in mind, you’re probably wondering how I know Prudence, along with your actions against her. It seems as if I was there to witness all of this unfold. In a way, I was; Prudence was just an alias. I do come in many shapes and forms. Hopefully, this is jogging your memory, and Prudence’s last words will have much clearer

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