Protein World's Are You Beach Body Ready

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Advertising is one of the most influential art forms on Earth. Everyday people come face-to-face with a multitude of ads: At this point, they are a part of who we are. We see ads on billboards and all over the internet. While many ads prove to be very successful, there are a huge amount that end up being highly unsuccessful. Although they may fail, a portion of ads become well known for the controversy they bring with them. One specific ad that got a lot of people talking was Protein World’s Are You Beach Body Ready? This ad did not work as intended because of its overall visualization, the standard it set for women, and the meaning behind the product. In order to fully understand the ad’s objective, viewers need to understand the context …show more content…

This ad contains a beautiful slender, toned female model entirely pictured in black and white, wearing a skimpy bikini. The background of the ad is entirely yellow, causing her colorless image to pop out even further. In big, bold, black letters are the words “ARE YOU BEACH BODY READY?” While the actual brand logo is fairly small and not particularly eye catching. There also appears to be no information or picture of the actual physical product they are trying to sell. In asking the simply question “Are you beach body ready?” Protein World is able to captivate a very specific audience. Every woman at some point in her life will worry about her weight. For women that do not have the slimmest bodies, this seems to be most apparent around summer time. The ad was released right before summer, as swimsuit season approaches, women often feel the tendency to try harder to get into shape so that they can look good in their swim suits. Protein World is very well aware of this and in turn creates this ad to target this group of people. They are banking on the fact that a huge portion of women will invest in their product so they can look like the woman on their

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