Prosecuted Child Soldiers

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Everyone loves and cherishes their childhood especially once they are grown up and dealing with issues they didn’t have as children. Many look back and remember all the good times they had growing up. However, this isn’t always the case. For some kids growing up in times of war they completely lose out on their precious childhood. In countries in the Middle East and Africa, such as Sierra Leone, governments and rebel groups are recruiting and using children in battles. Due to this, these children are exposed to shooting guns such as 10 pound AK-47s. They take part of mass killings and many other crimes such as rape. The generals are teaching kids as young as 7 or 8 that war is “okay” and that it is apart of everyday life. 2nd graders are …show more content…

Child soldiers should be spared because they have been forcibly recruited into fighting. In countries such as Sierra Leone and others throughout the Middle East and Africa, governments have taken children from their families to fight for a cause that they may not believe in or for their nation that they may not support. In the article, Child Soldiers Should Be Prosecuted, published by, it states, “It may be that the child thought it would be safer to enlist or factors such as poverty and hunger influenced their decision rather than a desire to fight.” In this situation, the children may have joined from free will, which leads others to believe they should be prosecuted. However, joining out of free will isn’t always because of their heart telling them to, not because they want to. Today, in parts of Africa and the Middle East many places such as cities or even the entire nation is in ruins. Therefore, many of the citizens who inhabit the country are poor and have very little. For example, if a child were to lose their family, a safe home and even food it would be safer and smarter …show more content…

Child soldiers aren’t morally responsible for their actions because of their age and how easily manipulated children can be and a young age. In the article, Child Soldiers: Victims or Perpetrators?, it says, “Children are forced by commanders through false promises, drugs and things which you can’t even imagine, to kill innocent civilians, other children and even their own families.” (invisiblechildren). Through the use of drugs and unimaginable acts these kids are brainwashed into following orders of their commanders who order them to kill. Some commanders will go as far as having children kill their own families and other civilians. They don’t keep promise where a child might of thought the prize is worth it, but, in the end, it was all a scam and they get nothing but more ill treatment to turn them into weapons. Also, In the article, Child Soldiers Should Be Prosecuted, it says, “The recruiters of child soldiers also use drugs and alcohol to make children more compliant and to enable them to commit acts they would not ordinarily commit. Child soldiers should therefore not be held responsible for actions they were forced to commit and had little understanding of.” ( This text shows that these kids wouldn’t normally commit the acts without being under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Therefore, these kids shouldn’t be held responsible. With drugs and

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