Argumentative Essay On Child Soldiers

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One may begin to wonder: why are child soldiers used in the first place? It would seem that due to there age they would not do as a proficient job as older combatants, who want to fight willingly for a cause. And that there would be too much time wasted on trying to brainwash them into carrying out commands. However, there are is a multitude of reasons as to why using them is appealing.
Combined with questions of poverty, the lack of access to education or training, discrimination, and vulnerability, children are easy targets for recruitment by armed groups. Children who are orphaned, unaccompanied or living in a difficult family environment, see it as a solution to their problems, and taking part in an armed group seems safer than confronting these problems. Revenge, community identity, and ideology can also influence children. Armed groups often target children because they “cost less”: the necessary investments for recruiting, training, and arming children are less than for adults. (Della)
There are also many other factors that make child soldiers more desirable. Children tend to be daring and highly obedient. It is also hard for children to notice the morals behind what they are doing, instead of thinking about consequences …show more content…

Both entail treating the use of child soldiers as a war crime in and of itself and prosecuting the leaders responsible for the explicit recruitment and use of children. Both involve setting a legal precedent that punishes the practice. Treating the practice itself as a war crime would also lower the bar for prosecution. That is, the widespread presence of child soldiers within an organization would be fairly easy to prove, as compared to the current high legal burden of proof that leaders must be aware of individual acts by their soldiers…. Moreover, the criminalization of the practice would make it binding on other states to turn over any leaders who have escaped across state boundaries.

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