Pros And Cons Of Stereotypes

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Stereotypes are in everyone 's life. Some people may not notice they stereotype, and some may even notice how others stereotype them. A sad fact is that most stereotypes are negative. The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Psychology written by Graham Davey who is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Sussex, UK defines stereotypes as:
[Stereotypes are] Shared beliefs about characteristics typifying categories of people, normally containing or implying evaluative judgements. Early views treated stereotypes as oversimplified, inaccurate representations based on limited knowledge of the target category, stemming from faulty thinking characteristic of particular types of people, and producing prejudice and discrimination. (Graham Davey 1)
This definition describes how most people view others with stereotypes. Most people think that only minorities are stereotyped when the truth is that every person dead or alive has a stereotype associated with them. Stereotypes are like a plague and need to be treated like one. Some of the many reasons that this is true are that most stereotypes are negative, unwanted, and limited traits of a person or …show more content…

Many people around the world are discriminated against for various reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is because of the use of stereotypes. Joseph Palmisano, an acclaimed author of many books, explains “Once a stereotype of a group is formed and learned, many people tend to accept it as fact”( Joseph Palmisano 1). This statement is true even if the stereotype is blatant discrimination. An example of this type of stereotyping turning into discrimination is like how many people are afraid or suspicious of any Muslim person. At first, there were stereotypes of Muslim people always knowing what time it is so that they can pray. Then after the attacks of 9/11 many people took out

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