Robert Heilbroner's Take on Stereotype

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Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and felt the pressure of your life drowning down their thoughts, felt that you are suffocating in their tight shallow eyes. But then again have you ever walked through a hallway without observing quietly every person that passes by and judging a book by its cover? Stereotyping, something done more than said or heard, a disease that some don’t even know they are suffering from. Looking at someone and saying or even thinking “ he’s stupid, because he’s black” yes that is stereotyping. Judging someone just because they have something indifferent from you, that is also stereotyping. Robert Heilbroner born in the 1919’s, a Harvard university graduate who studied economics for thirty years. He writes an essay discussing the case of stereotype.

Robert Heilbroner, in his essay “Don’t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments,” justifies why the ideas stereotyped aren’t always correct. He goes on saying that stereotypes are “a kind of gossip” which makes us fit more into the life we think we need to live. He states examples of how names, nationalities an...

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