Pros And Cons Of How Civilized Were The Romans

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How Civilized were the Romans? Others may say that the Romans had too many flaws to be very civilized, yet if you really look at it closely, you will realize that the pros outnumber the cons by a lot. No civilization can be perfect, and this applies to the Romans as well. The definition of civilized that I am using is a society with a stable food supply, good social structure, a fair government, human rights, developed culture, advances in technology and an established language. Stable food supply Roman food still has influences on what we eat today. Cereals were a very popular food back then. Grains like wheat and barley were especially common. For those who could afford them various fruits were bought along with meat and fish. The technological advancements helped with farming. When these inventions were invented the need for hunting decreased and that is why hunting was unimportant …show more content…

Written language The Romans spoke and wrote in Latin. The more educated elite knew Greek along with Latin. Advances in technology There are many examples of technological advancements in Roman society. They created many devices such as aqueducts, sewers and catapults. Without these inventions we would certainly not be who we are. All of these are very advanced machines and you would not expect anybody less than civilized to be able to create such machine much less have a use for them. They understood that they needed clean water, shelter and could not live among their own waste. The aqueducts carried water from ponds or lakes through filtration systems and into the city to every tap, fountain or bath. The aqueducts were vital to the Romans because they had so many people to give water to. The Romans created aqueducts with the intention of giving everybody a faster and more efficient way of getting clean water. They were certainly not savages if they knew

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