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Democracy in ancient rome
Democracy in ancient rome
Democracy in ancient rome
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The roman republic constitution was a set of guidelines and principles passed down through precedent, the roman republic instead of creating a democracy such as that the Athenians created, a monarchy which was previously being used by previous roman rulers and an aristocracy which Sparta used, the Constitution combined elements of all three of these governments to create a combined government known as “Senatus populusque que romanus” (S.P.Q.R) this meant “the senate and the roman people”. The Roman magistrates were elected officials during the period of the Roman kingdom, the ‘king’ (although the Romans preferred not to be called a king and instead a rex) of Rome was the principal executive magistrate, his power was absolute similar to that of a tsar …show more content…
or dictator of modern society, however when the roman republic was formed in 509 BC the powers in which the king withheld were transferred over to the roman consuls, only two consuls were elected each year making this job a highly desired job. The magistrates were created up of the highest rank; Dictator which was then followed by the censor (made up of people who were previously consuls), then the consul (made up of two people), the praetor (made up of eight people), the curule aedile (four people), the tribune (made up of ten people, the more important tribunes were the plebian tribunes and the tribune of the military) and finally the lowest rank in the political ladder the quaestors which were made up of twenty people. Unlike all the other ranks in the political structure the plebian tribunes were technically not magistrates as they were voted in by the plebeians and as such therefore they were an independent power. There were two legislative assemblies, the first being the concilia, “council” made up of optimo jure and the second being comitia, “committees” was the assembly of all the optimo jure. The senate often meet in a building called the Curia this building is located on the Roman forum. Body 2 The Romans feared that the politicians in control of Rome would become too powerful to ease the peoples tensions they put limitations on people with high jobs to have limited terms, a perfect example of the limited term limitations was that of the consuls, as they were forced to be only able to hold office for 1 year these limitations put limits on leaders and permitted other politicians a chance at being consul and have the chance to hold office as it was a desired job at the time in doing these limitations it gave access to other officials the power to restrict the abilities over other government officials, these limitations were carried out by either stalling of vetoing the actions of another official. The ancient Romans laws were proposed by the senate and were only approved by the magistrates for the greater good or bad, once these laws were approved by the magistrates they in turn had to be approved by the assemblies this provided balance throughout the Ancient Roman empire preventing corruption, there were documents of these times telling us that this type of government was efficient only when all three government branches were in agreeance but when one wasn’t this system wasn’t very reliable. Body 4 The Patron-Client relationship in Ancient Rome was a complex relationship between two Romans or sometimes more than two Romans, out of the two Romans one of them would use power or wealth to help the other Roman out in return for their various services, and these contracts were normally mutually beneficial and if not met they were usually punished severely.
There are two types of patronage: private and public. Private patronage was when the person would give gifts of food, money, livestock such as sheep or cow and some allotted land to help grow crops, they also gave legal aid to the sick and wounded. Public patronage was when the person was a protector of a religious group or guild. In return for the services of public/private help the client of the patron would help with religious services. Provide an escort for the patron to keep them safe and provide political support, these services would often carry on for several generations. The patron-client relationship was hierarchical; the client was usually a peasant or inferior class compared to their patron counterpart who was usually a member of the upper class, and because of this the patron was usually the person to determine the terms and conditions of this
After the Revolution, the country was left in an economic crisis and struggling for a cohesive path moving forward. The remaining financial obligations left some Founding Fathers searching for ways to create a stronger more centralized government to address concerns on a national level. The thought was that with a more centralized, concentrated governing body, the more efficient tensions and fiscal responsibilities could be addressed. With a central government manning these responsibilities, instead of the individual colonies, they would obtain consistent governing policies. However, as with many things in life, it was a difficult path with a lot of conflicting ideas and opponents. Much of the population was divided choosing either the
The United States Constitution is a national government that consist of citizen’s basic rights and fundamental laws. This document was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia by the majority of representatives. Today, the United States Constitution’s purpose is to supply a strong central government. However, before the United States Constitution was developed, many citizens did not support the constitution due to the fact that they found it contradicting and detached from the original goals of the Declaration of Independence. These citizens were known as anti-federalists. Fortunately, George Washington was a supporter of the constitution and had an enormous impact in the public support of the constitution. With a few adjustments, some
Rome's Republican era began after the overthrow of the last Roman King Tarquin Superbus by Lucius Brutus in 509 BC(1), the Senate was ruled the by the people of Rome. The Roman Republic was governed by a largely complex constitution, which established many checks and balances, so no man could have complete control. The evolution of the constitution was heavily influenced by the struggle between the patricians and the other prominent Romans who were not from the nobility. Early in Rome’s history, the patricians controlled the republic, over time, the laws that allowed these individuals to dominate the government were repealed, and the result was the emergence of a the republic which depended on the structure of society, rather than the law, to maintain its dominance. This is similar to the creation of the American system of government. Starting with the over throw of t...
The senate was a collective of the state’s best people, by tradition chosen from the aristocracy. Their role was to advise the elected magistrates. In practice, they came to be the collective of former magistrates. Their authority lay in their advice became like orders to serving magistrates. Their authority lay in their prestige and their experience. The roman senate was basically the governing body of men in Rome. It consisted of few hundred members, all who had to have property or money.
Philosopher A: In the Republic, the Senate was the primary branch of the Roman government and held the majority of the political power. It controlled funds, administration and foreign policy, and had significant influence on the everyday life of the Roman people. When Augustus came to power, he kept the Senate and they retained their legal position. The Emperor’s rule was legitimized by the Senate as he needed the senators experience to serve as administrators, diplomats and generals. Although technically the most authoritative individual in Rome, Augustus strived to embody Republican values.
A republic is a form of government where the people elected by a popular vote someone to represents in law making. The Romans used to had a republic government that fall. On one hand, this republic fall because the elected official were corrupt because under Roman law you could pay someone to vote for you. So rich people could actually buy their way into the senate and the senate made the laws and people could bribe senators to make the
The Roman Republic had an upstanding infrastructure, a stable social system, and a balanced constitution that solidified Rome’s greatness. Regardless of its achievements, however, the Roman Republic owes much of its success to classical Greek cultures. These cultures, in conjunction with the fundamental values of Roman society, certified Rome as one of the most significant powers the world has ever seen.
The hundred day debate known as the Constitutional Convention was one of the most momentous occurrences in United States Constitutional History, and the events that would take place in the Pennsylvania State House during that time would set the United States on the course towards becoming a true Constitutional Republic. 70 Delegates had been appointed by the original states to attend the Constitutional Convention, but only 55 were able to be there. One of them was Pierce butler and he was one of the four delegates from South Carolina.
Eventually, however, the Greek government became democratic. Rome, on the other hand, was a republic that elected its officials, and common citizens were not allowed as many opportunities as Athenians to participate in matters of the state. While Greece had branches of government to represent citizens, Rome implemented branches of government to represent different components of society. For example, Rome had authorities to supervise public works projects, administer justice, supervise recreational activities and conduct a census (text). Rome, who, like Greece, was a polytheistic society, also appointed a priest for life who was in charge of the entire state's religion.
When one thinks of the Roman Republic one cannot help but think of the Roman Senate. The Senate was supposedly created by Romulus who was the mythical first king of Rome who may or may not have existed. (notes) At this point the Senate had very little power and was simply an advisory body of 300 senators. (notes) The senators were referred to as patres (fathers) and made up the patrician class. (notes) In 509 bc the last king of Rome was overthrown by the Senate. The Senate then took responsibility for defending Rome. Created the consuls to replace the kings. (notes) Saw themselves as the true representatives of the Roman people. (notes) Was seen as the representatives of the Roman people until the breakdown of the census. (notes) In 121 the Senate passed the senatus consultum ultitum. which means
The development of a nation is similar to the development of a child; they both go through various stages of development before they have a firm grasp of what they are supposed to do. Much like a child, a nation goes through its infancy with a naïve point of view, usually enacting laws that suit the ruling class (wealthy) and when they eventually develop into adolescence they use their past experiences to adapt to the needs of the majority. The Roman Republic is a prime example of this analogy, throughout the 5th century towards the 1st century B.C.E; the Roman Republic was forced to change its constitution and laws in order to properly rule their newly acquired land and accommodate the Latin people who joined Rome as a result of its expansion.
Yes, I agree with you when you say the Romans created a society that thrived off itself. The Romans did this by allowing citizens to participate in the government. The two main parties of government were the patricians (the rich which held most of the offices) and the plebeians (common people who held few offices). Roman assemblies were one form of office that was held. One specific assembly was the Centuriate assemblies. These assemblies were held by military men who were mostly patricians since they possessed the major centuries. Another office that was the Consul. There were two Consuls and they commanded the army in battle, administer state business, preside over the Senate and assemblies, and supervise financial affairs. The majority of
This new Republican government, which was administered by the consuls, was not the easiest to transform. Because of the expansion in Italy, the government began to initiate political institutions. These institutions enforced laws and provided authority which were very similar to imperium. “The Romans had a clear concept of executive authority, embodied in their word imperium, or “the right to command” (Spielvogel 117). Since the Romans were very sensible in their actions, they made and implemented them only as needed. The most essential positions held were the few elected magistrates and the two consuls who were “chosen annually, administered the government and led the Roman army into battle” (Spielvogel 117). If the consul was otherwise occupied, either a dictator or praetor would assume responsibility for the time being.
Octavian, or Caesar Augustus, was an effective ruler, implementing reforms that positively affected virtually all areas of life throughout the Empire. Social, economic, and political tensions that had led to so much violence in earlier years were calmed by Augustus's policies. Corruption and abuses of the people were also given attention by the Emperor. The borders of the Roman Empire grew dramatically under Augustus's rule, adding material wealth and manpower to Rome's already significant resources.
Upon the conclusion of the assigned reading, several questions came to mind. Regarding the patronage system, I became curious as to when and where it began and ended. Also, did it ebb and flow with different conditions through the years? For example, when agriculture was doing well, were clients in fewer numbers than other times? Are there any specific examples of times where a patron looked favorably on his clients and was able to bring them up in rank, or even offer more of a friendship than a dutiful deed?