Pros And Cons Of Dog Grooming

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1. Opening a dog grooming business means that I need to be a dog groomer.

ANSWER: this is False. You don’t need to be a dog groomer to open your own salon. However, we strongly recommend that you take at least a five-day hands-on training course. Go to a Dog Grooming training centre. Bathe and dry and brush out dogs. Get some experience trimming nails, cleaning ears, doing a pre-grooming consultation. Learn about clipping and scissoring and styling. You need to appreciate what dog grooming is really all about. You need to know what you can realistically expect from the dog groomer(s) who will be working for you.

2. Only a ‘qualified’ dog groomer can work in a dog grooming salon.

ANSWER: this is False. …show more content…

Dog grooming is really difficult. There is no way I will be able to learn all the different styles for all the different breeds.

ANSWER: this is False. Dog grooming is challenging and requires a lot of training and experience before you get really good at it. You’ll certainly have to get good at dog handling. You have to be thorough with your shampooing, rinsing, drying and brushing out. When it comes to clipping, styling and scissoring however, it’s mostly just a few small variations you’ll have to make between different breeds.

Recommendation: we highly recommend Melissa Verplank’s book The Theory of Five. This is loaded with great illustrations showing you the different styles you’ll need to know. The great lesson of this book is an approach to grooming that stops you from over-thinking it. Get your head around the basic shapes and styling techniques and for most breeds you can provide a good groom for a pet dog.

4. With my dog grooming business, I will cater to really nice customers. I will have the freedom to turn away rude customers that don’t respect me or my …show more content…

Of course, when you’re just starting out you’ll likely take whatever business you can get. But, once you have achieved a certain level of regular custom and business confidence, it’s time to FIRE the bad customers. These are the customers that are regular offenders – they show up late, they don’t show up at all, they always complain, you can never get it right, they destroy your peace of mind. It’s not about the dog. It’s about the owner. Basically, they don’t respect you. So you will need, diplomatically and professionally, to suggest they go elsewhere. You might risk the wrath of a negative review. You might love their dog and want to make sure the dog remains well-groomed. But life is too short to live without respect from other people. Stand by your guns. Be bold. Respect yourself by not letting others ruin your day or undermine your

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