Pros And Cons Of Dependence On Technology

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Technology has affected our lives significantly. It has been playing a critical role in our lives by making things easier and by bringing more benefits to us. Technology has increased the use and simplicity of important necessities that we carry out in our daily lives such as communication, e-shopping and e-banking. Although technology benefits us immensely, yet it also has its downside. This essay will discuss about how people’s dependence on technology affects their creativity and communication. It can be said that technology has affected communication from a negative viewpoint. This is evident as people have become technology dependent. When individuals rely on technology, they are unable to develop real-time social skills. This happens …show more content…

This is because there are some groups of people who use their knowledge in technology to their own advantage. These people duplicate or copy someone’s idea from the Internet and use it for their own good. This action carries the name of ‘plagiarism’, carried out by individuals to reap the harvest of the original people who put in all their effort and their hard work coming up with the idea or the design. This is an easy way out of situations which require them to think and waste their time trying to come up with something. This affects the income of the original person who came up with that idea first and they would suffer a huge loss in profit and last but not least, the originality of the product would be tarnished. Also, it can stifle one’s creativity in that technology may hinder one from drawing on their potential when setting out to do a task as it provides a vast store of knowledge that one may draw upon to complete a task.
In conclusion, people’s dependence on technology has indeed affected creativity and communication. With the advent of technology and our ever growing dependence on it, creativity and communication will evolve and as it does, so will our growth as individuals for a holistic global community for the greater benefits of technology certainly outweighs the negative impacts it

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