Pros And Cons Of Democratic Socialism

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Thousands of dollars in debt, thousands suffering without healthcare, and a shrinking middle class. These are just a few problems incapacitating the United States. Democratic Socialism would be a much better alternate form of government. It is ever so obvious that the government the U.S. currently holds is dysfunctional and there needs to be a big change. The United States should pride itself for having one of the largest middle classes in the world. With this being said, it should be known that the middle class in the United States is shrinking. “While a majority of citizens in the middle and lower class feel the effects of debt in United States, there is no doubt the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer” (Peel 206). The
They think about how their decisions will create profit for themselves rather than how their decisions can help everyone. “Capitalists no longer benefit everyone, they have now taken advantage of their power (Nederman 882). Democratic Socialism is everything that our current government is not and the path America is heading down will not be a good one unless Democratic Socialism is in the horizon. This form of government can be achieved as it is currently successful in some European countries. Health care to these Socialist countries is a natural born right, as well as education. Women are given paid maternity leave, and college is affordable and sometimes even free in the Socialist countries of Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Mexico, and Brazil. Recently, Britain’s “success of the welfare state strikes at the dynamic which has driven Socialism forward in the past and brought it widespread support” (Davis 505). in Sweden, the Swedish Social Democratic Party remains to be one of the most successful socialist forms of government. Socialistic practices are used daily in the United States whether the majority agrees with it or not. Public schools, Public roads driven on everyday, and even U.S. National Parks are great examples of Socialism. “Though one may not agree with this practice, it is important to consider that you are practicing it by using anything funded by the federal government” (Parry 363). Everything stated above are perfect examples of Socialism. Socialism is no stranger to the U.S. “it is an idea that has been represented in the U.S. and has proved to be successful” (Allen

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