Pros And Cons Of Being A TSA Agent

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Rick, I am terribly sorry about your wife’s ordeal. There was no need for her to endure this. This is purely unethical for it shows continual, poor service for all travelers. Like other professions, there are always ‘bad apples’ working for TSA unfortunately. Still, those TSA agents needed to be reprimanded and reminded about being courteous to everyone at all times. There was no excuse for the TSA agents to treat someone badly. I totally understand your unfortunate situation. I want to give Dr. Oster the round of applause because I had that same experience every time I went through TSA scanners whenever I flew out to different states for ballroom dancing competitions. I always hollered, “Hey, mister (or ma’am), please be informed that I wear a hearing aid and it may accidentally set that alarm off.” These TSA agents really did look nervous every time. As always, they got me through in a split second. LOL! Of course, last time, I flew was like three years ago since I am too busy doing the writing assignments for the doctoral program. …show more content…

One of these agents once told me that they had to do their job but they were also proud of the work since they believed they helped to keep our flights safely. Even though, we all hate to go through TSA scanners for they are time-consuming and so annoying. I certainly won’t convince anyone who despises those TSA scanners. Luke 6:31 says, “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” Eventually, those TSA agents should get compliments from us for keeping flights safely. I often wonder if there is a better way to go through these obnoxious

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