Propiedades Mecánicas de los Polímeros
La resistencia es una propiedad mecánica que usted podría relacionar
acertadamente, pero no sabría con exactitud qué es lo que queremos
significar con la palabra "resistencia" cuando hablamos de polímeros.
En primer lugar, existen varios tipos de resistencia. Está la
resistencia tensil. Un polímero tiene resistencia tensil si soporta un
estiramiento similar a éste:
La resistencia tensil es importante para un material que va a ser
extendido o va a estar bajo tensión. Las fibras necesitan tener buena
resistencia tensil.
Luego está la resistencia a la compresión. Un polímero tendrá
resistencia a la compresión si soporta una compresión como ésta:
El concreto es un ejemplo de material con buena resistencia a la
compresión. Cualquier cosa que deba soportar un peso encima, debe
poseer buena resistencia a la compresión.
También está la resistencia a la flexión. Un polímero tiene
resistencia a la flexión si soporta una flexión como ésta:
Existen otras clases de resistencia de las que podríamos hablar. Un
polímero tiene resistencia a la torsión si es resistente cuando es
puesto bajo torsión. También está la resistencia al impacto. Una
muestra tiene resistencia al impacto si es fuerte cuando se la golpea
agudamente de repente, como con un martillo.
¿Qué es la resistencia?
¿Pero qué significa ser resistente? Tenemos una definición bien
precisa. Emplearemos la resistencia tensil para ilustrarlo. Para medir
la resistencia tensil de una muestra polimérica, tomamos la muestra y
tratamos de estirarla tal como se muestra en la figura de arriba.
Generalmente la estiramos con una máquina llamada Instron. Esta
máquina simplemente sujeta cada extremo de la muestra y luego procede
a estirarla. Mientras dura el estiramiento de la muestra, va midiendo
la fuerza (F) que está ejerciendo. Cuando conocemos la fuerza que se
está ejerciendo sobre la muestra, dividimos ese número por el área (A)
de la muestra. El resultado es la tensión que está experimentando la
Luego, usando nuestra máquina, seguimos incrementando la fuerza, y
La Operacion is a documentary film that talks about the massive sterilization campaign that occur in Puerto Rico and left one-third of the Puerto Ricans woman population sterilize. The documentary is complete in a sense that it shows maps, data, people speaking of their personal experience, but the most important aspect of it that it shows footage of the surgery. The repetition of the surgery scene gives an idea that this surgery was a common practice of everyday life in Puerto Rico.
Francisco Pizarro was a famous Spanish explorer. On September 13, 1524, Francisco Pizarro set sail from Panama to a conquest of Peru. He brought about eighty men and forty horses with him. In 1528, Pizarro went back to Spain managed to obtain in a group of people from Emperor Charles V. Francisco Pizarro was known for capturing the Inca Emperor, Emperor Atahualpa, in 1532. In 1533, Pizarro conquered Peru.
Early Life Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was born in Salamanca, Spain, around 1510. His parents are Juan Vasquez de Coronado y Sosa de Ulloa and Isabel de Lujan. His father was a wealthy aristocrat, but the family fortune was promised to his older brother. Francisco was determined to make his own fortune in the New World. This is what made him an explorer.
In Miguel de Unamuno’s novella San Manuel Bueno, Martyr, readers learn about the life of Don Manuel, a Catholic priest secretly holding atheist beliefs and doubts in the afterlife. Despite these disbeliefs, Don Manuel works tirelessly to help his community and is regarded as a saint by all who meet him, hence the handle “San Manuel,” which literally translates to “Saint Manuel.” Don Manuel’s struggle and affiliation with sainthood receives further analysis and context from Francisco LaRubia-Prado, who parallels Unamuno’s novella to elements of Greek Tragedy and heroism. Drawing from Unamuno’s background with Ancient Greek playwriting and Sigmund Freud’s Totem and Taboo, LaRubia-Prado argues that Don Manuel should be seen as a representation of Christ and must suffer in silence in order to play the role of the dying, tragic hero that saves the
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, born as Juana Ramirez de Azbaje, is a well-known extraordinary figure from the colonial period. Sor Juana had a desire for education at such a young age. In the seventeenth century, it was the intellectual midpoint of Spanish colonial America. During this time Mexico City was politically and religiously the center of New Spain; the terrains went from California to Central America. In Latin American history the church and state defined women’s roles, which eventually change over time. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz articulated her experiences though writing, she broke silence about racial and gender inequality, and her legacy remains today.
...umplir con una infinidad de frivolidades amenas; para llorar por costumbre y sonreír por deber. Lo sigo para vivir correctamente, para morir correctamente, algún día. (95).)
Did you know that Peru is one of the top ten countries to visit in the world? (UNWTO) Peru has unique music and energetic dances that are fun to see. The people are friendly and charming; they would be happy to help one find their way if they need help. But, the main reason Peru appears on the top ten list is because of its unique geographical features. Some examples are the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu and Cusco. The art and culture of the Peruvians, as well as the people themselves,and the popular places to go, are what tourists like to see in Peru.
The Portuguese were the first European settlers to arrive in the area. They were led by adventurous Pedro Cabral, who began the colonial period in 1500.
Bartolome de Las Casas was an important protector of native peoples because the latter part of his life was dedicated to social reforms that called for better treatment of the natives.
Prior to the Spanish colonization, Nicaragua was under the control of Indians tribes such as Nicarao, Misquito,Gotegas, and several others. Despite Nicaragua being the largest country in Central America, it is sparsely populated within its three natural regions: The Pacific Lowlands, Central Highlands, and the Caribbean Lowlands. The area was discovered by Europeans in 1502 with the arrival of Christopher Columbus, who set out on his fourth voyage to explore the eastern coast. However, it wasn’t until two decades later that Nicaragua was established as a Spanish colony. The first expedition was led by Gil Gonzalez de Avila in 1520, who sparked the interest in the Spanish conquest of Nicaraguan territory. His primary mission was to obtain
People dream of freedom, justice and opportunities from around the world, this is the American Dream. In Mexico, they dream of the other side, El Otro Lado, America. Reyna Grande, award winning writer and ESL teacher, writes her memoir, The Distance between Us, a story of Grande’s family’s immigration and her evolution from Iguala de Independencia, Mexico, to Los Angeles, California in the United States in 1980’s. This transformation occurs as her family dynamics and country changes. Life in Mexico and the United States juxtaposes Grande’s living standard, culture and education--she finds significant differences in coming to the U.S. that transforms her life.
Si la salud presenta las características de un bien privado cuya valoración es superior al costo de suministrarla, ¿por qué el Estado interviene en el suministro del mismo?
nos presenta en uno de los planos narrativos una visión que resulta "realista" y espontánea, al cruzar de plano nos encontramos con una versión sobrenatural de los mismos eventos; a pesar de ello, el author
es evidente que el siente una emocion negativa sobre ese conflicto y a la vez
Con el avance del tiempo el desarrollo de las tecnologías ha crecido exponencialmente y junto con este crecimiento han surgido también muchas ideas sobre cómo a final de cuentas las maquinas pueden tener un rol muy importante e incluso más importante que el mismo hombre en e...