Promote children’s and young people’s thinking skills

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In this assignment the practitioner is going to plan and prepare two experiences in which they will implement and evaluate after each of the lesson. These two experiences will be based on current theory, it will be in a form of an appendix to illustrate the two experiences as well as to promote children’s and young people’s thinking skills, creativity and problem solving. Many researchers such as Wilson (2000 cited in Macleod-Brudenell and Kay, 2008, p.323) have suggested that thinking skills are ways in which a child or young person is looking at the problem. To which we use thinking as a way of processing what we as individual know as well as remembering and perceiving. As for the skills this is the way in which we act by collecting and sorting information to help make decisions and reflect after wards (Macleod-Brudenell and Kay, 2008, p.323). This will include the practitioner to use effective approaches as well as evaluate tools, resources which can help to stimulate children and young people learning as well as supporting children development. The term for creativity has been define as being the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness (Oxford Dictionary 2013). The definition of the term problem solving has been described as the process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues (Oxford Dictionary 2013). The first experience (appendix 1) the practitioner was working with a group of children, the activity was reading a story from a book to which a discussion is formed. The aim of this activity was to promote the children’s thinking development. This type of thinking is from Matthew Lipman (1993) who uses a philosophical approach, it is known ‘stories of thinking,’ this can help to a... ... middle of paper ... ...einemann Educational Publishers. NACCCE (1999) All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education, London: Department for Education and Employment Oxford Dictionary (2013) Problem Solving. Online Available at: Accessed at: (22nd February 2014). Oxford Dictionary (2013) Creativity. Online Available at: Accessed at (22nd February 2014) Veale, F. (2013). Early years for Level 4 & 5 and the Foundation Degree. London: Hodder Education. Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mind in Society: The development of higher mental processes, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Wilson, V. (2000), Education Forum on Teaching Thinking Skills Online at Accessed at 22nd February 2014

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