Professional Standards For Educational Leaders

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Before entering the education field, I worked in the nonprofit arena for an educational association over 16 years. I moved through the ranks and ended up as vice president of personnel and special events. The association president believed in training, therefore, I attended many, many workshops aimed at training those promoted to become strong and competent leaders within the organization. It also helped that I was young and anxious to make a successful track record so, I devoured every class that could move me further up the ladder of leadership.
Analyzing the standards of The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, suggest that this is an attempt to define what school excellence and successful teaching of students looks like. …show more content…

Furtherore, according to the Center on Great Teachers & Leaders, leaders must be accountable for understanding and mastering techniques for achieving excellence in their school. This includes the ability to analyze and fully understand what learning data represents.
I have only served as a teacher and not in a leadership role in the academic arena therefore, I approached this task by relating my leadership abilities I used in the nonprofit organization where I served as vice president of personnel when interpreting The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. I listed the information in chart form because I felt this would be more effective in showing my interpretation and why I felt I possessed the standards listed for educational leaders leadership standards I do not possess or need to enhance.
After fulfilling the assignment task in describing in sufficient detail leadership standards I believe I have already developed and why and noting the leadership standards I believe I need to further incorporate into my leadership style and how I will accomplish this leadership growth, I will comment on my thoughts concerning the standards that will explain why my comments for each standard might have seemed slightly off …show more content…

I think he simplifies and shows how they relate and function with one another, and I think in a perfect world his explanation is excellent. He described the standards by grouping certain ones together and listing them as Driver, Core and Support to show how they fit and relate to each other (Baldanza, Marcia,2016, 2nd para, p.1). Smylie explains The drivers are the vehicles by which we get to the core. They are Standards 1,2,3, and 10. The core standards refer to the learning process and these are standards 4 and 5. The support function or framework of the core are standards 6,7,8, and 9. I think that it was a great way of explaining the standards. Where I take issue is perception and viewpoints because they are

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