Procrastination In College Essay

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In college, just about all students procrastinate in some type of way. They do not realize that they need to stay ahead of their work and stay caught up. Students do not realize that procrastination can become a habit and it can ruin a person’s life. They also do not realize that procrastination can be a burden on them. Procrastination can break students in college. Students in college may struggle because of procrastination. A student that procrastinates is a person who puts his or her work off to the very last minute. Procrastination can be a scary thing in college, because students do not realize that it can break them. It can cause a person to have stress and cause a person to start doing drugs. Procrastination is a very important thing in college; because the professors stress to their students that they need to stay on top of their studies, where they do not put it off to the very last minute. Procrastination is more or less about putting stress over a student’s life. It is letting the little things come before the things that matter more on a student’s daily basis. Many students procrastinate even if they believe it or not, some may do it more than others, but it plays a big role in our society. When a professor hands out an assignment, the student may feel so overwhelmed by the material. He or she may sit …show more content…

Rushing to complete an assignment will not get them anywhere. Students do not realize that rushing to finish their homework or to finish a task will put so much stress on themselves. Being stressed out does not feel good and students procrastinating will most likely be stressed out over their work. Students also may not get a lot of sleep because they waited until the last minute to start working on their work. Sleep is a very important thing to any human being, because if students do not get enough sleep then they will be falling asleep in class and not paying

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