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Factors influencing procrastination
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The author often procrastinate because she feels, that when an assignment is given she has so much time, that she can delay her work at a later time; and when she needs to start working, she has no more time since she is also busy with other responsibilities that is more important than the task that she suppose to do. Another reason, the author procrastinate is because she feels she is unable to understand what the assignment is trying to ask her, and she feels that if she delays on starting, she will eventually figure out what the assignment is about rather than asking friends or the person who assigned the task. The last reason is sometimes all her classes are assigning some things at the same time, which means all the deadlines are next to each other which causes her to not have enough time to do all the things she has to do. Procrastination is a …show more content…
As Rustu Yesil in "Validity and reliability studies on the scale of the reasons for academic procrastination” that studies shown that individuals who procrastinate has been experiencing problems with performing poorly academically, receiving same of lower grades in school, and having problems with health which can lead to failing any type of tests, dropping out from school, having longer education pathways and even, just plain giving up in life (Yesil). An example of this is when the author found out that she got a bad grade in one of her finals, which lead her to feel depressed all day that is why she felt she could not continue to write her essay, but she eventually did finish since she still wanted to finish it so that she feel accomplished even though she did not get a grade for it due to being
Anxiety. Regret. Frustration. Restlessly glancing at the clock, cringing every time I do. Staring at a blinking cursor, waiting for inspiration. Spending a restless night trying to squeeze out something to turn in the next day. This is a process known all too well by me, and most high schoolers in America, one known as: Procrastination. Procrastination is something easily avoided, and yet, seems to be one of the biggest causes for low grades in most students’ lives. It’s a tempting prospect, putting off your responsibilities to do something enjoyable, but it should be avoided at every possibility. Procrastination causes your grades to suffer, causes your mental health to suffer, and causes you to learn bad habits for the future.
Procrastination has become such a bad habit for me. It is very hard to stop procrastinating everything once you have gotten into the habit of doing it. Once I had a term paper due for my religion class. It was to be ten pages long and we were told to spend a lot of time doing it. Being the procrastinator that I am, I waited to the very last minute to do it. I waited until the night before to do most of it. Needless to say, I was up very late that night. In this class there was always a part of the paper due on a certain date before the final paper was due. Having things due before the final paper is due keeps me on task and keeps me from procrastinating until the day before the paper is due. There was one paper which we had to get sources for a while before the paper was due and it forced me to keep up with the paper, rather than let it go to the last minute. This class has taught me that the earlier you start the more positive your final result will be.
...they put off doing something that is important, it forces the negativity to come upon them and their task. Every time that a student procrastinates, or puts off something that they highly dislike, they toughen their habitual ways of not doing what they are supposed to do. Now that we see how procrastination is done and how college students can significantly decrease its effect in their day-to-day life, they will experience a greater sense of independence and personal gratification. College students have to continue to keep working and striving forward. They will still procrastinate every once in a while but college students will be much more aware of their procrastination habits and they will be able to resolve their issues as soon is it occur. When college students do flourish and continue to excel, they must remember that it is something that they can control.
Procrastination is a common problem with students. Students wait closer and closer to the due date to complete an assignment. Procrastinating is something that everyone has done at one point in his or her lives. All students such as elementary students, middle school students, high school students, and college students procrastinate. Students have many reasons why they seem to procrastinate. The reasons for procrastinating are simple such as students being too lazy to complete their work. Procrastination is a problem because students may not get their work done in time. The students’ work may not also be as well accomplished as it would be if they complete it before the due date. Simple solutions such as staying focused, setting goals and priorities,
Klassen, Robert, Lindsey Krawchuk, and Sukaina Rajani. "Academic procrastination of undergraduates: Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination." Contemporary Educational Psychology. 33.4 (2008): 915-931. Web. 6 Nov. 2011. .
Procrastination has negative effects on our mental and physical health, which can lead to poor sleep. Hairston and colleagues believe that procrastination is associated with sleep troubles, an association mediated by ruminative cognitions (Hairston et al., 2016). Participants completed an online questionnaire regarding procrastination; sleep troubles, rumination, emotional state, and biological clock. The results showed that in evening types procrastination positively correlates with sleep trouble, negative affect, and rumination. However, for morning types there is no correlation between procrastination and sleep disturbances. Thus, the results from this study will have an impact on treatment and interventions of insomnia and procrastination
Procrastination & nbsp; & nbsp; It is Monday morning and I have slept in, thanks to Thanksgiving. In fact, it's twelve o'clock and I am free for the afternoon. As usual, I sit in. front of the television after I clean myself up, staring endlessly at the screen with my finger clicking on the remote.
11:09 p.m. -It isn't any night out of the ordinary. It's basically the same as every other Sunday night. The parties are all over, all the students are back and I know, most, like myself are wishing they hadn't gone out that night when homework was calling their name or wished they had come in earlier last night when their eyes were heavy, but their friends had convinced them otherwise. This is a lesson in procrastination. Mere hours are left before our first class begins, yet the televisions are still glowing, the stereos are still blasting an incessant flow of music at obnoxious levels and people are still streaming by my open door. Girls giggle as they talk of Johnny or Alex or Jimmy or what's his name and every couple minutes I catch the tail end of a meaningless conversation that distracts me from whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish.
Schouwenbug, Henri C., and Clarry H. Lay, and Timothy A. Pychyl, and Joseph R. Ferrari. Counseling the Procrastinator in Academic Settings. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2004. Print.
Solomon, L., & Rothblum, E. (1984). Academic procrastination: Frequency and cognitive-behavioral correlates. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 503-509.
In both passages “A Stitch in Time” and “Structured Procrastination” the tone clearly conveys that neither author agrees that procrastination is good. However, the two passages do differentiate. The first passage has a very negative tone and the second passage is more relaxed and gives off an “Is it that bad?” attitude. Let’s take a look at both passages and their tones.
A. H. C. Chu and J. N. Choi, psychologists, distinguished two types of protracting, they discovered that active procrastination has attainable characteristics that lead to positive personal outcomes (Choi and Moran). These positive personal outcomes are a result of waiting at its finest. People with these adequate dilatory skills have probably learned from their deficient habits in the past that may help everyone know that the view of holding off can change. Writing this essay has changed my view on procrastination slightly, as I can see how it can be good for you. With my siblings, free time is limited. So taking time to do something more entertaining helps me take a break from stressful work. Then when I get back to it I feel more confident that I can focus and finish it. That’s an example of active procrastination for me. Frank Partnoy shows historical views on procrastination, in an article about his book, such as how “The Greeks and Romans generally regarded procrastination highly. The wisest leaders embraced procrastination and would basically sit around and think and not do anything unless they absolutely had to” (Gambino 2012). Those Romans and Greeks were able to enjoy their time of relaxation, using procrastination as a healthy tool rather than a bad habit. Even wise leaders used it! What an amazing realization that we get procrastination from
The definition of procrastination is: the action of delaying or postponing something. Tim Urban, who conducts a speech called Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator for TED in 2016, explains that every human is a procrastinator- some more than others. I agree with everything he says in his speech because I can connect with every piece of evidence he claims, mostly including that there is a “Panic Monster” that pops up in your brain when you are close to a deadline and haven’t gotten anything done, especially when it comes from why I’m always so stressed out about school. There are two different kinds of procrastination: deadline and non-deadline. (Urban, 2016) Everyone that I have ever met is a procrastinator
About 4 out of every 10 people avoid facing difficult task and deliberately look for distractions, and unfortunately there are distractors everywhere. When there is a significant period between when you intended do a job and the time you actually did it, you procrastinated.
Most humans have habits, habits in which they do simply because if they do not do them they feel uncomfortable. Procrastination is one of those habits that not all, but most people suffer from. Procrastination means to put off key things to do less important things that could possibly wait. It has been proving that all most everyone procrastinates, but procrastination does not determine what type of person one is. Procrastination is like a virus or a bad cold that does not want to go away. If one does not stop the problem it will get bigger; therefore, if people do not control their procrastinating they will start to do it more. However, the worst time to procrastinate is in college. College students often forget hoe important time is. Being a procrastinator can lead to several different outcomes. Procrastination can led to either good or bad outcomes. It all depends on the person doing the procrastinating. Procrastination is not always meant to happen; sometimes it simply happens because a person is too busy. Procrastination has both good and bad causes and effects, can cause failure, and bad decisions.