Process Essay On How To Ride A Bike Analysis

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In order to successfully ride a motorcycle you must do the following things. First you must buy a motorcycle with your money. Once you have a motorcycle in your possession, the first step to learning to drive one is getting familiar with two things: your motorcycle, and how to drive it on the road and highway. Minnesota requires a motorcycle permit, which you can get by passing a written test at your local dmv. After getting your motorcycle permit and practicing on the street, you will be able to take a road test and get your regular motorcycle license. You should always have someone your parental figure or someone familiar with bikes there to help you when you first start practicing on an actual bike. Before even turning on the bike, you should get comfortable sitting …show more content…

You will have to stand with the bike steady when you come to a stop so it should be comfortable to do. If it is not comfortable, you should maybe think about getting a lighter bike or maybe waiting till you are strong enough to support it. Once you are totally comfortable supporting the motorcycle, you are ready to go out and practice. You should pick a street with not many cars, open parking lot, or a comfortable place to practice. Again, you should have someone who knows about motorcycles or has had experience with them nearby. When you are ready to drive and operate a motorcycle. First off you need to get on the motorcycle. Then you must check if you turned the gas on and pull the choke out. Once the choke is out you are ready to turn the bike over for the first time. You do this by pressing the ignition button. Once you

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