Problems with Parents and Youth Sports

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Children play youth sports to learn what it is like to be a part of a team. They also learn to socialize with people, how to listen, how to follow rules and most importantly how to have fun. Than why do so many kids quit playing sports.

Sports are a great way for parents and children to spend time together. Since kds spend more time at school each day than they spend with their parents. Sports are a great way for parents and their children to spend time with each other. Each year 35 million American children ages 5 to 17 will play at least one sport. 85% of these kids will have a parent be a coach in the sport. 15% of them of scared to play sports. 71% of them do not care if score is kept. 37% wish their parents would not watch them play sports. 35% of them do not plan on playing sports next year. (Statistic Brain, 2013)

Every parent that has children playing a sport has some involvement; the degree of involvement is different for each parent and children. This involvement is how much the parent spend time with their kids this includes time spend at practice and games and driving them to practices and games as well as home much time is talked about the sport. The biggest factor when it comes to parent involvement is how much money is spent on the children. If a parent buys their child the most expensive gear needed for the sport. The parent will most likely want the kids to be successful. These factors will put extra pressure on the child to be good at the sport and if he feels like he is not as good he will not want to let the parent be let down and their stress level will increase. Also if they children do not get any support from their parents they will also not like playing sports. Having too much involvement puts a lot of...

... middle of paper ... way to prevent the problem is to have the parent view the game their their kids eyes. The should do whatever the child needs them to do not what they think is the best for their child. It is really only a different attitude for the child. There will also need to change how youth sports are conducted. This can be done by putting an emphasis on rules and funs and not on winning. That would mean no score being kept and no standings being kept. Make sure parents, coaches are not yelling at the referees or the kids.

Parents act like the know what is best for the children in sports but they do not know what is best for children is for them to be children. Have fun playing a sport while making friends and learning to love the sport and not being forced to to win. They could pressure a great athlete who is not maturing like the other kids into quitting a sport. It

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