Being a new college student can be tough. Balancing new work levels, trying to manage your time & also getting enough sleep are the main difficulties for a new college student coming straight from high school in my opinion. These problems can be easily solved by going to class and using the resources that are provided to you. This may not seem difficult but in reality it 's right in front of your face.
As I started my first day at college I was very nervous just because of the new environment, new people, and the fact that I was living on campus. In highschool I always said my plans after high school would be for me to go to a four year university, but of course never thought it would happen. But it happened, I knew going to college was going to be the best thing for be to be successful in the future. Getting used to the new environment & being around new people was difficult, but by the first two weeks of college I felt like I knew everyone already.
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I would have to say that I’m a pretty funny person & make friends fairly easily. But sometimes i can over think the smallest situations. As I said above by the first two weeks I felt like I had known everyone. The biggest advice to incoming freshman is not to be afraid to make new friends, always be open to try new things & get involved as much as you can.
In college the workload tends to get tough. The key to success is time management. For me, when the workload gets tough I just think why I am here at college and what I came here to achieve. I always take time out of each day for studying because why come to college and not go to class? It pointless and a waste of time and money. Studying with other classmates & getting work done together definitely helps. Set goals for yourself while you 're in college, it may get stressful but there 's always time to take a nap or a break between classes just to
In fact, “a determined student, even encountering hardships in his/her life while attending college full time, will succeed” (Culpepper 330). Also, many professionals successfully graduated college while dealing with hardships such as “raising children alone, working in multiple jobs, and caring for sick relatives” (Culpepper 330). They showed commitment by staying focused on what they wanted to achieve in their lives. An overloaded student accomplishes his/her tasks by organizing his/her daily schedule, not allowing more than one activity developing in the same hour. Also, the student has to allow for himself/herself recreational time as a reward, for that will balance his/her overwhelmed lifestyle.
What are the steps to due process? What significance are the court cases Goss v. Lopez and Dixon v. Alabama in maintaining a well-ordered school?
So far, I am only in my first semester of college, but I love it. I have met a whole new set of friends and find that things are always happening on campus and in the city. I was homesick for about the first week, but after that I never thought about being homesick again. I had too many interesting things to do. For the first t...
Did you know tobacco and alcohol use cause over 475,000 deaths in the U.S. annually? To assist young people in avoiding these harmful behaviors, the D.A.R.E. program enhances the knowledge and awareness of the hazards regarding dangerous substances throughout a ten week program. The acronym D.A.R.E. stands for drugs, abuse, resistance, and education. D.A.R.E. ensures the safety of adolescents in various situations and instills beneficial strategies, techniques, and tips to aid young people in making responsible decisions.
While transitioning into college, socialization is very important, but students should recognize the bigger picture ( Everything might be an essential for college, only if students are able to regulate them nicely, in order to prevent stress. Create the perfect routine to reduce the decision about what to do every day. ( Always take find time to do you hobbies, or just something that is in your interest. This can pull minds out of the stressful day, so it have time to “replenish your energy” ( Students should always review the progress, and whether they approached their goals ( No one is perfect, don’t always shoot for perfection, because it will only add on stress. To handle stress, talk to someone about your problems, one of the worst way to handle stress is to hold the feelings in. There are also psychologists on campus to help students with their needs. Stress will go away, if treated correctly, if not it will lead to bigger
As I thought of this article, many of the issues I have faced as a single Hmong woman in her mid-twenties came to mind. Should I discuss the functional reasons why marriage is so important in the Hmong culture, especially for women? Or do I talk about the lack of eligible, older Hmong men? Better yet, should I complain about the attempts by my relatives to find me a good husband as if it were an unfortunate circumstance that I was single instead of a conscious choice? Thinking it over, though, I decided that all those questions boiled down to one fundamental truth – the Hmong community is still trying to learn how to treat the increasing number of Hmong women who, like me, are making the choice to stay single in their mid-twenties.
When any adolescent enters High School they are still young and on the search to find themselves. High Schooler’s often make bad decisions, but quickly see that these mistakes there to be learning experiences rather than to dwell on them. Often, for many students, High School does not present an extreme amount of stress, rather it is a a place to learn more about yourself. Once college hits, stress is the only thing on the mind. College students are always worrying about if they did their homework, if they have a big test coming up, if they studied enough, and if they even have enough money to pay their bills. So the key to college is to know that the fundamentals of college are different than high school, be responsible and reliable to yourself, do all your homework, and most importantly be respectful to your peers and teachers
I was in 1st grade when I found out that I had a learning disability. I still
As a new freshman entering this Community College, you will be discovering and experiencing many new things about the world in which you live and yourself. The jump from high school to college can be a very scary but exciting experience. I have some valuable advice for you on how to make this transition smoother and an enjoyable experience rather than a scary and lonely one.
Students who make the transition from high school into college have difficulty adjusting because many are not used to being on their own nor their new environment. Entering college, you come to understand that it is not the same as high school. There are crucial differences like the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the method of learning. College and high school are different in many ways but they both ultimately share the same goal in teaching students to learn.
Starting college has affected many of my habits, mainly study habits. The first couple months of classes went by so smoothly and I felt like I was adjusting fine. I attended class regularly and took notes from the lectures. I knew that college was different than high school but I continued with the norm. Now, that the mid-term grades have been posted I have realized that College required more time management and consistency within the study habits. My mid-term grades have changed my mind set. I have designated certain days of the week for “study time” for each class hoping for improvement.
College is a unique and a great opportunity any individual can experience. People go to college for all kinds of reason. Well, whatever the reason might be, their going down the right pathway to success. It can be a bumpy road, but with my three easy step to be successful in college, that bumpy road of yours will soon be a smooth straight road ahead. Five steps to be successful in college is to take good notes, manage your time, study, be confident, and maintain a healthy habit.
Working and going to school as a part-time college student is not hard if you use time management skill by planning ahead and setting goals for yourself. Using those skills and goals will help you get through the courses and working with the early planning. Always keep you short and long term goals in sight. Do the tough things first and always schedule tomorrow at the end of the day before. Remember avoid procrastination and everything will flow with these skills and goals you will have set for yourself.
Transitioning from high school to college is a major stepping-stone in one’s life. You separate from the people you have grown up with. You might move away from home. You learn to rely on yourself. You have to make new friends. You have to adapt to your new environment. Bottom line is, every aspect of college can be stressful.
Schedules are a difficult thing to balance. A person must find the time to complete a number of tasks in a day. A normal adult may have time to get everything done and still have time to spare. The normal college student on the other hand is constantly on the go. College students have busy schedules that include working, studying, and socializing.