Probation Supervision Essay

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The primary emphases of probation supervision is to monitor the offender while trying to ensure public safety, in addition, probation officers help the offender to readjust in society, stay on a straight path while holding the offender accountable for their actions, and try to prevent recidivism.

There are two types of probation violations, a ‘technical violation’, and a ‘new office violation’. A ‘technical violation’ is when an offender violates any condition of their parole. The second probation violation is called a ‘new offense violation’, which is when an offender commits a new unrelated crime.


The four levels of probation supervision are selective intervention, environmental structure, casework/control, and limit setting. …show more content…

Offenders that are low-medium risk receive environmental structure probation and are supervised regularly, they do not necessarily have a criminal lifestyle but have several social deficits that can be fixed. Officers work with these offenders to help them with education and vocational programs as well as substance abuse programs. This type of offender counts for most probationers.

Casework/Control probation is for offenders that are at the low end of high-risk yet are at the high end of medium-risk. The activities of these offenders are closely monitored and require intensive casework. They more likely to have a serious drug or alcohol problem and are rooted in the criminal lifestyle.

Limit-setting probation is for offenders who run the highest risk of failure and are deep-rooted in a criminal lifestyle. Their activities have severe limits and an officer with an intensive supervision caseload usually supervises

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