Privacy in Education FERPA, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, is a Federal law meant to protect the privacy of students personal, educational, and health information. The initial wording of FERPA implies it provides a extremely high level of personal privacy in our education. However, as you dig deeper into the law it becomes glaringly obvious how little protection this law actually provides. With multiple “loops-holes” built into its protection, FERPA has become nothing more than an illusion of privacy protection. According to the U.S. Department of Education, “FERPA does not regulate a school official from disclosing information about a student if the information is obtained through the school official’s personal knowledge or observation of the student” (U.S. Department of Education: “Joint Guidance on the Application of the FERPA”). This means any school employee may unequivocally share information so long as they choose to not officially document said information in a student’s personal education records. Another loop-hole allows schools to share personal information, without the consent of the student or their parents, so long as the information is labeled directory information. Directory information is a student’s full name, address, telephone number, date of birth, honors, awards, and attendance record. This information may include even more personal information depending on what the individual educational institution classifies directory information as. As disturbing as this information is, these are only two of the many loop-holes currently worked into FERPA law. FERPA also allows education and treatment records to be shared with third parties without consent, so long as, the person receiving the information ... ... middle of paper ... forth by our government to protect our privacy will actually protect our privacy. However, FASFA has created so many loop-holes that it no longer functions as a true protection, but just lends us an allusion of protection. Works Cited Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. Public Health and Schools Toolkit. Arlington: Association of State an d Territorial Health Officials, 2014. PDF file. U.S. Department of Education. Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 to Student Health Records. Washington: U.S. Department of Education, 2008. PDF file. ---. Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety: A Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act for Colleges and Universities. Washington: U.S. Department of Education, 2007. PDF file.
... is one that a reasonable guardian and tutor might undertake.” And he concluded that given the mission of public schools, and the circumstances of this case, the searches required by the school board's policy were “reasonable” and thereby permissible under the Constitution's 4th Amendment.
“FERPA [Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act] essentially means you have no right, as a parent, to know what or how your children are doing in school.” Michele Willens says this in her article, “College Students Have Too Much Privacy” about the FERPA act that was passed in 1974. It was originally put in place to protect the privacy of students, but it also keeps information private from the student’s parents, or current gauardians. Because so many parents waste money on college students that might miss classes or even drop out without them knowing, the FERPA act needs to be reformed.
This paper will examine the privacy rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996
Privacy was once taken for granted in public education, but now through the 1974 law, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act it is pushed to the forefront of the minds of every educator in the United States (Cossler, 2010). This law has paved the way for many lawsuits regarding privacy of student’s records, which have left teachers scared, undereducated and unaware of certain regulations of the law. FERPA laws provide protections for students, but also allow access of all student records to the student’s custodial parents, which in some situations has cause problems and in some cases have specifically brought clarifications of the law. Has the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act provided the much needed privacy for students or created an overboard policies?
Why do schools NOT notify the police when a violent disturbance occurs? One would assume that when there is an assault or threat upon a student, the police would be the first people to be notified. When there is violence, or threats of violence against students in an academic setting, information about the threats and the troublesome student should be shared with the police. But Universities usually do not provide this information to the police. Lynn Daggett, a Professor at the Gonzaga University School of Law, states, “Schools struggle with whether, when, and how to involve police, both when students appear to present a threat to others, as in high profile cases, and also when the school suspects a student of criminal behavior” (Daggett). Although police are available and willing to be involved in school disturbances, schools do not involve the police more often than they should and cannot or will not give certain records about their students to the police.
The school has a Confidentiality Policy, which all staff needs to be aware of, this sets out the school's aims and objectives relating confidentiality and gives guidelines on how to handle confidential information. The Data Protection Act 1998 states that
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to safeguard patient privacy. It protects patients’ health information (PHI) and allows patients to have control over the distribution of their information. Due to the advancement in technology and shift from paper to electronic files, the development of both state and federal laws occurred to protect the electronic health care transactions, code sets, unique health identifiers and security (DHHS, 2016). In addition, due to e-PHI a Privacy Rule was published in December 2000, to protect health information under these entities: health plans, healthcare clearinghouses, and health care providers who conduct certain health care transactions electronically. This law implements various types of health facilities; including, hospitals, doctor offices, pharmacies, health plans, and other clinical care sites (Field, p. 199).
In 1998 in Owasso, Oklahoma, mother Kristja Falvo sued the Owasso Independent School District because she claimed that her children were ridiculed when their grades were read out loud in class by classmates. Falvo says that when teachers have students grade each other's papers, the 1974 federal law protecting the privacy of educational records is violated. This is such a controversial subject that it has not been resolved as of today. This paper argues that peer grading does not violate the privacy law.
In many schools, women who became pregnant were often relegated to "alternative" educational programs, the participation in which was mandatory. After Title IX, schools could no longer force the student to go to an alternative school, which often was substandard. These students could not be sin...
Terms and Laws have gradually change overtime dealing with different situations and economic troubles in the world in general. So then dealing with these issues the workplace has become more complex with little or no rights to privacy. Privacy briefly explained is a person’s right to choose whether or not to withhold information they feel is dear to them. If this something will not hurt the business, or its party members then it should be kept private. All employees always should have rights to privacy in the workplace. Five main points dealing with privacy in public/private structured businesses are background checks, respect of off duty activities/leisure, drug testing, workplace search, and monitoring of workplace activity. Coming to a conclusion on privacy, are there any limits to which employers have limitations to intrusion, dominance on the employee’s behavior, and properties.
The Freedom of Information Act is used mostly to pry open government files. It was designed to help individuals obtain information about the actions of government. The law proclaims that any citizen is to be given access to government records unless the disclosure involves litigation, the CIA, personal m...
According to the article “When Student Become Patients Privacy Suffers" the author said that” Yale health's website informs parents that they cannot access their children's health information without a signed consent form", and I agree with this statement. As we know FERPA and HIPAA in order the law that provides privacy protection, and patients have right to limit to their information unless they don't want to share. For example, Andrea was suffering from anxiety and depression, after her bad condition, the university notifies her parents without her permission, even they know her relationship with her family. The condition became worst when her parents did not allow her to see psychiatric after she returned home. Personally, I know sometimes,
This does not sound as if this conversation violates FERPA because the teacher who has the student now is talking with a teacher who had the student the previous year. In the article, Balancing Student Privacy and School Safety, the author states “FERPA does not prohibit a school official from disclosing information about a student if the information is obtained through the school official’s personal knowledge or observation, and not from the student’s education records” (Dept. of Education). Of course, this is a short scenario therefore I am sure there is more to the story. I must ask who shared the knowledge of the conversation and what was their reason for telling an administrator? Where they upset over the location of the conversation
Over the last few decades, FERPA ( Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) has given students the right to officially keep their academic performance and mental health from their parents. According to the article ‘’ College Kids Have Too Much Privacy ‘’ , parents no longer have the right to obtain their student’s information without a wavier. Which in my opinon, it has lead to no good. colleges and universitys think that students who barley graduated out of high school are ready to be responsible for their own decisions, when in reality they are still teens who need to be under their parents wing. you cant expect a teenager to be held responsible from one day to another. has hard as it is students
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Community Health Resources. Retrieved March 4, 2011, from