Privacy Essay

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Terms and Laws have gradually change overtime dealing with different situations and economic troubles in the world in general. So then dealing with these issues the workplace has become more complex with little or no rights to privacy. Privacy briefly explained is a person’s right to choose whether or not to withhold information they feel is dear to them. If this something will not hurt the business, or its party members then it should be kept private. All employees always should have rights to privacy in the workplace. Five main points dealing with privacy in public/private structured businesses are background checks, respect of off duty activities/leisure, drug testing, workplace search, and monitoring of workplace activity. Coming to a conclusion on privacy, are there any limits to which employers have limitations to intrusion, dominance on the employee’s behavior, and properties. Privacy is a claim of individuals, groups, or institutions that determine for themselves who, when, how, and to what extent of information about them passed along to others. The privacy claims of employees are varied in terms of the privacy interest elaborated and their conception for privacy. In terms of background checks, the issuance of autonomy is present. Autonomy defines a person’s own personal decisions and acts with individual right. Also includes vital life choices that are also important in terms of dealing with one’s own personal identity, but with no regards to an employer and of no public concern. For example, things that deals with an individual’s marital status, other intimate relationships, family life, housing, and association or involvement. There are a lot of things that go on in the process of background checks. It’s performed ... ... middle of paper ... ...lis Smith wrote a book called “Privacy: How to Protect What’s Left of it”, it expresses the fact that there are no legal actions in the process to express the care for a worker’s privacy equality in the working force. Smith feels as though it is periodically swept under the carpet, and those in charge of this issue of privacy think it does not outweigh other society problems, so it is overlooked. Thus, being the most complex yet controversial topics employees’ rights to privacy have been under the microscope for many years, and years to come. Works Cited "The Value of Privacy in the Workplace" 10 1999. 1999. 10 1999 . "Ensuring Your Privacy” N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2013 Smith, Robert E. Privacy. Garden City. New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1979. Print.

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