Princess Mononoke Essay

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Princess Mononoke hit the big screens in Japan In 1997, while not reaching the United States until October of 1999. The film was written by a man by the name of Hayao Miyazaki, and animation produced by Studio Ghibli. The film took place between the 16th-16th Century ( Muromachi period ) and trails a young warrior by the name of Ashitaka on his fight between gods of the forests and the human beings whom consume all of its resources. Interesting fact is the term “Mononoke” means Spirit, or Monster in Japanese. The film concentrates closely into the many ways in which humans affect the environment for the simple gain of resource’s and material goods from destroying the forest for land use and raw material to polluting the environment from dumping the melted iron …show more content…

There is multiple examples throughout the film from the wild boars and apes wanting to go to war with the humans, to the wolves wanting the chew off Ashitakas head at times. An interesting fact is that the animals and nature only communicated with those that respected nature aka San and Ashitaka, they never communicated with the villagers or towns people throughout the entire film thus conveying that nature should be treated like an actual person rather than a mere object. Another valuable lesson in the end of the movie is that Humans and nature will probably never see eye to eye and there will always be differences although that is perfectly ok. In the end San says she can never forgive humans for what they have done although still agrees to visit with Ashitakim, and after all the villages and Iron town are destroyed Eboshi finally realizes all she has done and states that she will rebuild a different way. Humans and nature should always be able to overcome there differences so we don’t have these occurrences in the

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