Prince Maxon Character Analysis

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Topic to Discuss:
1. How would you feel if Prince Maxon said that he had feelings for you after deciding to only be friends?
2. If you were apart of the Selection, would you tell the rest of the girls about your dates with Prince Maxon or would you be more private like America and keep things to yourself?
3. What would you do if you were in America's shoes and Aspen showed up to the Palace? Would you tell Prince Maxon that he was there?

• Effervescent pg 207; vivacious and enthusiastic ◦ The girl had always struck me as an effervescent creature
• Facade pg 209; an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or credible reality ◦ Naming the country was merely a facade.

Research (every time):
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At the same time, her ex-boyfriend Aspen has been drafted and is stationed at the Palace. America now is surrounded by the two boys that she has feelings for and does not know how she is going to handle it or chose between them. This situation is similar to the book, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire because when Katniss comes back from the games she has feelings for both Peta as well as Gale. The two boys fight for Katniss's attention and she does not know how to pick between them because she loves them …show more content…

How would you decide between Aspen and Prince Maxon?
2. How would you feel about yourself if you were selected to be apart of the Elite?
3. Do you think America will choose Aspen or Prince Maxon?

• Clamor; pg 281- a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently ◦ We heard a general clamor at the front of the room
• Tenuous; pg 287- very weak or slight ◦ She knew there was something tenuous between them.

Research (every time):
• This source explains what a bunker is and the different types that people can have. It states that a bunker is mainly seen as a military building used for defense. Many bunkers are built underground and there are three types knows as Trench, Pillbox, and Industrial. Trench bunkers are made from concrete and dug into the ground partway and give protection from air attacks. Pillbox bunkers is a small building made from concrete and can help protect structures like bridges. Industrial bunkers are built like regular ones that are used for storage, mining sites, living areas, etc. These kind of bunkers were built to protect industries from being

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