Primary Sources In History

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Primary sources are essential to any research that wishes to be factual and true to

history. Used in virtually any analytical history research paper, primary sources are critical

for a thorough and contextual analysis of the topic at hand. A primary source is first hand

evidence of a topic that is being studied. Examples of primary sources include anything that

was recorded during that time about the topic: newspapers, magazines, essays, audio and

motion picture tapes, interview transcripts, and radio broadcasts can all be classified as

primary sources.

The history of Poland is vast, covering multiple centuries and hundreds of historically

significant events. Specifically, World War II era Poland underwent momentous

sociopolitical change under temporary German occupation. This brief period, characterized

by upheaval and grassroots resistance, produced a veritable database of primary sources.

These sources allow us to experience Poland’s tumultuous history nearly first hand. It also

can provide an insider’s eye to the events that occur and also show a bias or impartiality that

can be helpful as well. A political cartoon from the United States during World War Two

will show details about the war and also provide some idea of what the general opinion was.

A political cartoon from Germany during the same time could contain some of the same

elements but would show a differing view. Both of these could be useful in identifying and

studying different aspects of the war. The primary sources I have chosen to analyze are all

connected to Krakow and recorded between 1900 and 1945, a time period characterized by

two imminent World Wars and significant internal strife within the capital city of Krakow.


... middle of paper ...

...fall in standard of living faced

by a generation of Poles at the turn of the 20th

Raab, Esther. Interview by Robert Stryker. 1992.

century. The bucolic spa advertisement,

contrasted with the atrocities of war disclosed by a first-hand death camp survivor give

credence to the instability and turmoil that characterized much of Eastern Europe over the

course of two World Wars. While not as particularly explicit in their narration the way a

history encyclopedia can be, these primary sources provide a humanistic portal into the

equally idyllic and frightening environment of early 20th

understand history, one must take a dual-pronged approach: Facts, figures, and timelines

compiled in secondary and tertiary sources of information must be supplemented by the

personal, anecdotal recollection only a primary source could provide.

century Krakow. To truly

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