Preschool Narrative Essay

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In preschool, it wasn’t easy for me. Maybe it was easier for the rest of the kids, but not for me. I had to learn many new things. Going through K-12 wasn’t an easy journey. I started college and returned back in 2015. Having teachers that helped me and didn’t. When I returned back to school, I had two teachers that motivated me to finish what I started. Preschool wasn’t easy, I had to learn how to read and write. Reading and writing were my weakness why. Well because my 1st language was Spanish. But knew a little bit of English. The alphabet and vowels weren’t easy. The teacher would help me to pronounce the words and use them in sentences. It was difficult at first, but got the hang of it. During the grades from Kinder to High School were …show more content…

I didn’t read that much at school because I wasn’t interested in it. Didn’t pay that much into it because no one never push me to read. It was hard to know the vocabulary. But now on, I’ll read some articles or a book in the class. Sometimes it was hard for me to read because it has to do something good or read some parts of it. I wouldn’t finish reading the books. Learning in writing was difficult, but later on getting easier. I knew how to write an essay. One day I had a teacher named Mrs. Buchanan show me the umbrella and understand it more. Like writing an essay with a thesis statement. From there having Topics with a main idea. A Main Idea, it should have supported details to back up the main sentence. So the reader can understand the essay and each topic the writer is talking about. After that it should have a concluding paragraph to close it up. In my high school times were up and down. High school was hard because some teachers would not teach or help us with the work. I would depend on myself to finish or ask someone to help me. Sometimes I’ll get anxiety when I can’t do the work. When someone help me, I would make sure I would understand before continuing. Sometimes ask them to break it down in pieces instead throwing everything at me once. But not all teachers were bad, most of them would help me that were math teachers than history and …show more content…

During college, the teachers would help out more. But, had two teachers tell me to continue school and finish it. If it wasn’t for the teachers telling me that. I would a been working low wage all my life. They would push me to complete school. That’s why I want to have a good life and retirement. It’s not just about the job, I want to do. It’s the benefits I want for my family to have so They can be cover of it. Getting close to finishing community college in Porterville. Now I have a year left in Porterville college. I want to finish up and continue to go to Fresno State to get more education. One is to get a master’s degree to get better pay and have something good for my education background. It’s going to be hard for me because something new that I didn’t decide to do till now. Now I want to do it more because I like to do is criminal justice. Love watching criminal stuff and learn from that. From watching that, it makes me want to complete school and get a good career. That’s my biggest achievement, I want to

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