Power Imbalance Of Bullying Essay

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Bullying is an aggressive behavior which involves perceived power imbalance. Such behavior in young children is due to different reasons. In this case the victim and the bully both can develop serious emotional problems. Kids who bully use their power to show their dominance on kids who are weak, they use their physical strength to control and harm their victims. Power imbalance is one of the major reasons which forces kids to use their power in an unfair manner on the physically and mentally weak kid. Bullying is a behavior that can happen repeatedly if the victim doesn’t take a stand, this then will encourage the bully to repeat the offense. Bullying involves physical and verbal acts to harm the victims. Physical bullying victims suffers unnecessary kicking or pushing or even physical assaults by more than one or two people. Verbal bullying is another way to harm the victims of this type of bullying involves using offense or racist word to offend the victim. According to (Wolke et al., 2013) there are various reasons behind the cruel nature of the children who like to harm others. Admiration and dominance is one of the reasons …show more content…

Physical bullying refers to the harm which is caused by physically touching someone without their permission, such a hitting, punching, slapping, kicking, etc. (Waasdorp & Bradshaw 2015) suggest that cyber bullying is the major problem of today’s world. The bullies use digital mean to harass and bully the victims it can occur through numerous websites of social media, and it includes inappropriate comments under a picture or sending a harmful or unethical message to a random or targeted person. Verbal bullying refers to the verbal assaults and insults which bullies do to harm the victims. Social bullying refers to the actions in which rumors are spread about the victims to humiliate

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