Poverty's Negative Effects On Child Development

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Poverty’s Negative Effects on Child Development
When Leake proposes that the government focuses more on addressing the emotional impact poverty has on tribal children living outside of their communities, he points out the important fact that in order to help poor children, it is essential for the government to not only concentrate on reducing incidence of poverty using social welfare programs but also carry out programs to address the effects of poverty. In order to design programs that target the adverse impact poverty has on children, one must identify the effects of poverty first.
The most widely known negative consequence of child poverty is poor physical health. Infant mortality rate and low birth weight are significant indicators of …show more content…

Many poor families cannot provide their children with enough healthy and nutritious food, which impair children’s physical development (Guo and Mullan 433). Many poor children can only afford to eat processed food, which often has a high amount of trans fat and preservatives that would, later on, lead to obesity and chronic diseases. Furthermore, poor children are less likely to engage in activities that promote physical fitness as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Guo and Mullan 433). Many children in poverty do not get enough physical exercise. Nonetheless, they have a higher tendency to smoke, drink alcohol excessively and use drugs (Guo and Mullan 433). Moreover, many poor families live in unsafe homes or shelters that have lead-based paint (Brooks-Gunn and Greg J 60). When pregnant women or children are exposed to even a low level of lead, children’s health is at risk. Lead exposure can cause many health problems including hearing loss, Vitamin D metabolism damage, impaired blood production, growth stunting (height unusually short for their age) and toxic effect on the kidneys (Brooks-Gunn and Greg J 60). Besides, even though 94.8 percent of children under age 18 are covered by health insurance as of 2015, many poor children may not get proper health treatment when a health problem arises due to worry about co-payment fees (Barnett

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