Poverty In America Essay

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Influence of Poverty

Outside influences are a big deal to people they can affect so many things ones social stature,education,friends,etc reading The Autobiography of Malcom X and this is a huge theme throughout this book. With many different characters as well. The major outside influence i saw was how poverty affects people negatively by affecting health and safety

Poverty affects people in a lot of ways it can affect your health and education, supported by “Very poor and vulnerable people may have to make harsh choices – knowingly putting their health at risk because they cannot see their children go hungry.”(key) This means many parents starve themselves to feed their kids greatly contributing to the hunger crisis as it says, and …show more content…

She suffered poverty very badly it got so bad she would have to feed her kids grass. This was very hard on her and eventually with her husband dying of a tragic accident, and the white people calling it a suicide so she receives no help from the government so she goes insane and winds up in a hospital which brings me to my next point which poverty is not always self-inflicted supported by
In 2000, after a decade of remarkable economic prosperity, the poverty rate among African Americans and Latinos taken together was still 2.6 times greater than that for white Americans. This disparity was stunning, yet it was the smallest difference in poverty rates between whites and others in more than three decades. And from 2001 to 2003, as the economy slowed, poverty rates for most communities of color increased more dramatically than they did for whites, widening the racial poverty gap. From 2004 to 2005, while the overall number of poor Americans declined by almost 1 million, to 37 million, poverty rates for most communities of color actually increased. Reductions in poverty do not inevitably close racial poverty gaps, nor do they reach all ethnic communities equally.(alan)
This means that many people from the other races other than white are at a direct disadvantage just based on color, they didn't decide to be black that's how they were

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